Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Grass-fed beef An organic journey


“Grass hugs much of the 595,000 acres of hills, valleys, and mountains that make up the Arapaho Ranch in north-central Wyoming. This sustains the thousands of cattle that live on the property, the largest organic, grass-fed cattle ranch in North America, a nearly 70-year-old enterprise on the Wind River Indian Reservation and run by the Northern Arapaho tribe.”

Full Article Here

Enough With The iProduct My Versions!

Little did Apple release that the naming and subsequent release of their iPod and  iMac would do such damage to society. They had in fact ripped opened a wormhole leading to the threshold of hell, where idiotic, nonsensical and completely non descriptive iNames are spawned by social misfits who think everything needs a version number!

The recent competition to find a new name for Kraft’s Cheese Spread -  released under the umbrella brand Vegemite – has heralded us with a name so completely moronic, unoriginal and infuriating,  its left me wondering if their marketing department is run by a 12 year old mac fan-boy who thinks that following trends make you an individual.

Yes, Marketing makeover has given us “iSnack 2.0″… Apart from “Why didn’t they just call it Cheesymite”, the obvious questions here are, 1) what was the 1.0 version then? 2) WHY THE HELL would ANYONE in marketing think that copying a naming convenion from APPLE be a good idea for a FOOD product? 3) WHY THE HELL give it a version number? its not software… there are no revisions. ITS CHEESE!!!! – oh hang on, let me just get MyBread 08′ out of the iFridge 3.4 so i can have a MySandwitch rev 2.3.677… If you change the recipe, its a different product! Simple!
It is clearly an attempt to appeal to the iGeneration through a poorly executed marketing campaign… backfiring because the chosen name does not represent the product, or even give the vaguest idea about what kind of culinary abortion is hiding behind the label!

We don’t need food to have names that keep up with current iTrends… just as we don’t want to see jars of food taking on wind tunnel tested aerodynamic shapes which are impossible to stack!

If you want cheese spread you go and look for cheese spread in a jar… you dont look for an iSnack 2.0.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Như chúng ta thấy những doanh nghiệp thành công nhất thường coi trọng vấn đề xây dựng quan hệ lâu dài với khách hàng. Trong thị trường cạnh tranh ngày nay, những doanh nghiệp này nhận thức được rằng nhiều đối thủ đang làm mọi cách lôi kéo khách hàng và không dễ dàng gì nhận được sự trung thành vô điều kiện của người tiêu dùng. Những doanh nghiệp coi trọng yếu tố khách hàng hiểu được rằng xây dựng quan hệ khách hàng tốt và luôn cung cấp dịch vụ hoàn hảo là những yếu tố sống còn trong việc giữ chân khách hàng và tăng doanh số.

 Trước hết hãy xây dựng một mối quan hệ:

Ngày nay chúng ta có thể tiếp cận các công cụ truyền thông hiện đại một cách dễ dàng như internet, điện thoại di động, fax, máy nhắn tin…và tất cả những công cụ này nhằm mục đích cuối cùng là tăng hiệu quả giao tiếp. Thế nhưng, cho dù sự tiện dụng của công nghệ có mặt ở khắp mọi nơi – số lượng than phiền của khách hàng vẫn tiếp tục gia tăng – và điều đó đã cho thấy rằng tại các doanh nghiệp, vấn đề giao tiếp đã không được thực hiện một cách hiệu quả như mong muốn.

Sự am hiểu thấu đáo vấn đề sẽ giúp giao tiếp hiệu quả hơn. Những nghiên cứu về lĩnh vực tâm lý con người cho thấy rằng con người sinh ra thuộc một trong các nhóm khác nhau: nóng tính, quyết đoán, thụ động, lưỡng lự…Do vậy, cũng đòi hỏi có những cách giao tiếp và cách thức tiếp cận khác nhau. Ví dụ, đối với người thiếu kiên nhẫn, nóng tính, họ muốn có giải pháp nhanh chóng, dứt điểm. Chỉ một chút áp lực họ sẽ trở nên khó tính và giận dữ. Bạn hãy nhanh chóng đưa ra những giải pháp. Đừng làm mất thời gian của họ bằng những câu chuyện ngoài lề – nên đi thẳng vào vấn đề. Trong khi ở thái cực khác, người lưỡng lự lại mong muốn nhiều thông tin và thích tìm hiểu chi tiết. Vì kỹ tính và cẩn thận họ rất cảnh giác với những động thái của người bán. Hãy đưa ra những cam kết và bảo đảm để họ yên tâm. Một khi bạn đã hiểu và nhận dạng khách hàng bạn sẽ biết cách tiếp cận hiệu quả với tất cả khách hàng.

 Giao tiếp hiệu quả:

 Nhận dạng tầm quan trọng của giao tiếp phi ngôn ngữ và học cách “lắng nghe bằng đôi mắt”. Có thể bạn ngạc nhiên nhưng các khảo sát khoa học chỉ ra rằng có đến 70% giao tiếp của chúng ta được thực hiện phi ngôn ngữ. Thực tế, nhiều kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy ngôn ngữ hình thể có tác động lớn hơn và đáng tin cậy hơn là bằng lời nói.

Nhanh chóng tạo ấn tượng ban đầu và gây sự tin cậy bằng cách sử dụng ngôn ngữ hình thể đúng mực. Cùng với nụ cười và mắt nhìn trong khi trò chuyện, cần chú ý luôn ngữa lòng bàn tay, không ngồi bắt tréo chân hoặc khoanh tay. Để tạo thiện cảm bạn có thể copy cử động hoặc ngôn ngữ hình thể của khách hàng. Đây là một cách ngấm ngầm để nói với khách hàng rằng bạn thích họ và đồng ý với quan điểm của họ.

Hoàn thiện kỹ năng lắng nghe một cách năng động. Để khuyến khích và làm sinh động các cuộc trao đổi – hãy sử dụng những câu hỏi mở để tìm hiểu ý nghĩa thật sự đằng sau lời nói của khách hàng. Thỉnh thoảng, lặp lại nguyên văn câu nói của khách hàng. Đó là cách giúp bạn hiểu chính xác điều khách hàng suy nghĩ và đồng thời tạo sự tin tưởng. Tập trung lắng nghe khách hàng thật kỹ, tránh ngắt lời, không tranh luận hoặc cố kiểm soát buổi trao đổi.

 Ý nghĩa lớn của những điều nhỏ

 Dịch vụ khách hàng hiệu quả vừa là trách nhiệm vừa là cơ hội. Nhiều công ty quan niệm sai lầm rằng dịch vụ khách hàng là gánh nặng về mặt quản lý – vì thế đã để vuột mất cơ hội bán hàng. Sự thật là dịch vụ khách hàng cung cấp cơ hội để bán chéo sản phẩm, bán cộng thêm hoặc tìm được khách hàng mới do khách hàng cũ giới thiệu. Khách hàng quan niệm rằng một dịch vụ khách hàng có chất lượng phải là sự quan tâm đến chi tiết và sự phản hồi nhanh chóng. Những cuộc thăm dò ý kiến khách hàng cũng cho thấy một sự thật rằng những điều nhỏ nhặt có thể mang lại những khác biệt lớn. Không gì ngạc nhiên, khi hai lý do thường xuyên nhất gây bất mãn ở khách hàng là không trả lời điện thoại và không giữ lời hứa. Cố gắng đánh giá dịch vụ của mình thông qua quan điểmn của khách hàng. Dịch vụ khách hàng đúng nghĩa phải vượt quá sự mong đợi của khách hàng. Những người bán hàng thành công thường không ngại làm tất cả để phục vụ khách hàng và luôn quan tâm đến quyền lợi của khách hàng trước. Bạn muốn được khách hàng giới thiệu cho nhiều khách hàng mới, điều đầu tiên là phải phục vụ họ thật tốt.

 5 lời khuyên cho dịch vụ khách hàng hoàn hảo:

 Một: hứa ít, làm nhiều: xây dựng uy tín cá nhân, đừng bao giờ hứa những gì bạn không thể làm được. Mỗi lời nói phải được cân nhắc và đảm bảo thực thi.

Hai: để ý đến những điều nhỏ nhặt: tạo thói quen trả lời điện thoại khách hàng, hồi đáp email hoặc thư từ…

Ba: Giữ liên lạc thường xuyên: ghi lại những thông tin quan trọng về khách hàng (ngày sinh nhật, khai trương…). Cố gắng gửi tin nhắn, thiệp, hoa chúc mừng…khi nào có thể được.

Bốn: Gửi quà khuyến mãi cho khách hàng: Gửi những món quà nhỏ (ly uống café, lịch, sổ tay…) khi có các chương trình khuyến mãi, giới thiệu sản phẩm, dịch vụ mới.

Năm: Xây dựng hệ thống tiếp nhận thông tin phản hồi: để xem khách hàng hài lòng mức độ nào dịch vụ của bạn. Chất lượng dịch vụ không phải từ định nghĩa của bạn – mà nó phải những gì khác hàng cảm nhận được.

Những doanh nghiệp có hệ thống quản lý chất lượng dịch tốt thường xây dựng và cam kết cung cấp dịch vụ khách hàng chất lượng từ trên xuống, thông qua huấn luyện, theo dõi và đánh giá thường xuyên. Những doanh nghiệp khác vì không làm được điều đó – nên chính họ đã mở một ‘cửa sau’ cho đối thủ cạnh tranh. Nếu bạn làm đúng, bán hàng và dịch vụ khách hàng hòa trộn lẫn nhau và bạn sẽ chắc chắn đáp ứng dịch vụ vượt quá mong đợi của khách hàng.

 Trịnh Minh Thảo

Só Se Tiver Tecnologia Bluetooth

Recurso permite trocar arquivos, como músicas, gratuitamente e sem cabos pelo celular Toca o celular de uma colega de trabalho, ou então da cliente a quem está atendendo, e a manicure Deusa Borges fica logo atiçada. Gostou da música e pretende tê-la também no seu telefone. Então pede para copiá-la via Bluetooth.

É geralmente assim que começa o troca-troca de arquivos, uma diversão garantida no salão de beleza onde Deusa trabalha. Se os dois celulares tiverem esse tipo de tecnologia, para transmissão de dados sem fios a curta distância, sai de graça mandar

uma foto, por exemplo, para o telefone de uma amiga – se fosse enviá-la via torpedo, haveria o custo de uma mensagem multimídia.

Não é complicado, mas se a pessoa não sabe como funciona, alguém explica. Aline Ferreira aprendeu com Paula Reis, que nem trabalha mais no local.

– Sabia que tinha Bluetooth no celular, mas não tinha mexido. Ela me mostrou como era, e agora até já ensinei para os filhos e marido – diz Aline.

No boca-a-boca, o uso dessa tecnologia vai se popularizando mais, e já virou recurso

determinante na hora de trocar de aparelho. Tendência essa que é confirmada por pesquisa da Associação Mobile Marketing com brasileiros: 85% consideram importante contar com Bluetooth no telefone.

– Se o celular não tiver, nem compro – avisa a cabeleireira Lúcia Silva.

Os celulares respondem por 60% do mercado de Bluetooth no mundo, que era de 1,2 bilhão de unidades em 2008, mas deverá dobrar até 2013, estima a ABI Research. Com o segmento em ebulição, a publicidade está de olho. Existe até o Bluetooth marketing.

Colocam-se tótens que detectam no raio de alcance os celulares com a tecnologia

habilitada e disparam um conteúdo para o consumidor, com a vantagem que se consegue atingir, geograficamente, o público-alvo. São distribuídos papéis de parede e joguinhos, por exemplo.

Mas há desafios, pondera Abel Reis, presidente do Comitê de Mobile Marketing do Interactive Advertising Bureau Brasil. Até mesmo o fato de as pessoas não saberem habilitar o Bluetooth. Esse desconhecimento, porém, vem diminuindo, comemora o diretor executivo na América Latina da MMA, Terence Reis: – As pessoas vão trocando de telefone, por novos modelos com Bluetooth, e vão aprendendo a usá-lo.

Em 2008, 56,3% dos celulares homologados pela Anatel contavam com a tecnologia.

Monday, September 28, 2009

La publicidad online crecerá 11% en 2010

Las expectativas para el medio online son positivas para el próximo año a pesar de la crisis de 2009 y el impacto que dejará en la publicidad.

De acuerdo a un relevamiento de Grupo M, propiedad de WPP, la relevancia de las redes sociales y los motores de búsqueda le jugarán una buena pasada a la Internet en general.

Es así como se espera que la inversión supere los u$s65.000 millones, equivalente al 15% de la torta publicitaria.

Este incremento de 11% significaría además un crecimiento de dos puntos en dicho reparto de inversión en comparación con este año.

En Estados Unidos, la publicidad digital se espera que crezca un 7% en 2010, con lo que se llegaría a los u$s24.400 millones y a un 17% del reparto de la inversión, frente al actual 15,4%, crecimiento amparado en el SEM (search engine marketing) y videos.

Más información:

Πώς θα καταλάβουμε αν κάποιος διαβάζει τα email μας

Πώς θα καταλάβουμε αν κάποιος διαβάζει τα email μας « ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ
Σε περίπτωση που υποψιαστούμε ότι κάποιος μπορεί να διαβάζει τα email μας είτε πρόκειται για το αφεντικό στην δουλειά μας είτε για κάποιον administrator τότε μπορούμε να το επιβεβαιώσουμε με τον παρακάτω τρόπο.[next]

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What is keeping my 'net-head' running

Mighty trip at home without the use of internet was good. But, the ‘net-head’ in me is rearing its head back again.

Social Media – can’t stop tripping on the possibilities. Squidoo has come up with some brands which has taken this medium very seriously . Thinking of ideas by which brands around us can gain in a major way by use of good old Youtube, Flickr, Facebook, Tweets and such.

The really awesome idea of user generated stuff going has proven to be as cool as Karl Marx’s theories (sorry, it doesn’t really work), but activating curiosities and ‘hey this is nice’ comments from them sure can help in brand recalls (hope so, maybe, keep fingers crossed).

Reminding myself again and again – content is king! Running around and bumping into content providers; read movie makers, photographers, artists, cool random people, you and me!

If you were guessing Weltan Butterfly got trapped in a spider…….

JohnB is in the house…will EDA ever be the same!

Day 10 in my new CMO gig at Cadence…

After 100s of meetings, I have 1000s of thoughts relating to my new favorite obsession — EDA. Market dynamics, ecosystem, competitive landscape, conventional wisdom, business models, growth segments, product direction, pricing and packaging — the list of challenges goes on and on.

But the one observation – beyond all the others – that completely blows my mind is the intense cynicism from friends surrounding my decision to join Cadence. On pretty much a daily basis, I‘m asked, “Why John, would a marketing guy like you make a move to EDA?” Translation: “What the hell were you thinking?”

I’m just two weeks in and unquestionably confident that my decision was right. How can I be so sure? Well, I can clearly pinpoint the exact thought process behind the decision and it all started when I read one simple article.

I’ve learned from experience that it’s easy to know when it’s time to leave a job, but it’s really hard to know where to go. Thankfully, my fellow critical thinkers, this industry has many pundits who have outlined “the rules” that are meant to help us find the light as we make our way up the path of advancement. “The rules” give us generally accepted principles or tribal wisdom by which most people should judge a new opportunity.

As luck would have it, I happened across an article published on that was skillfully written by a seer of great industry insight and highlighted the 10 things to look for in a “LEGENDARY” job. I recognized them right away – this article covered “the rules” in all of their well-acknowledged, well-heeded glory.

Things to look for in a “legendary” job like…

Number 1: a company in a growing market with a strong brand and leading position.

And number 2: a company with products that customers view as aspirin (read: essential), not vitamins (a supplement). In bad economies no one takes their vitamins.

And number 3: a strong balance sheet with lots of cash.

And number 4: a legendary executive team.

And numbers 5, 6, 7, 8-10. All more of the same!

Ten things no one would argue with, right? Pretty obvious stuff for a successful enterprise. I read each recommendation closely and then to be sure, I read them again. Only I came to a different conclusion. Companies that already have these ten things going for them don’t need much marketing help.

I mean, who needs great marketing if the company already is the market leader, in a growing market, with the leading brand and the leading market position, with products that are absolutely essential, all supported with an awesome balance sheet?

Maybe I look at the world a bit differently than most people, but I aspire to be a great marketer and to meet a great challenge. To actually accomplish something extraordinary, I knew I was going to have to break “the rules”.

So why EDA? Here it is – short answer. EDA is an industry that needs to reacquaint itself with “legendary” marketing.

Let me tell you why I think so. EDA is a critically important industry. It matters, but somewhere along the way it has forgotten that it matters. The super complex, increasingly powerful, application-rich chips that are required in every device that is produced today CANNOT be developed without EDA tools.

However, this industry is in desperate need of leadership and vision. There’s a transformational business and technology shift changing the way that companies develop silicon. We’re at one of those inflexion points that comes once a generation. I strongly believe the company that enables and accelerates this transition will become the undisputed leader on all fronts: innovation, technology, thought and market.

EDA used to be exclusively about design. I’ll even pay homage to Intel’s symbolic team of engineering rock stars portrayed in its recent ad campaign.  In the past, Intel-esque rock stars designed the chips we know and love. It was their goal to constantly make chips smaller, faster, with higher quality and reliability. Basically, these rock stars have continuously innovated all of the IP on a chip – every last piece of it. It isn’t like a friendly game of Guitar Hero either. The rock stars in this game have to spend a massive amount of time acquiring the resources and skills necessary to even start thinking about playing. You can’t fake it – there’s no air guitar.

Nowadays, it’s a fact — every industry is up against ever-increasing time, cost, quality and global competition constraints. I see some forces aggressively beating our industry’s “rock star model” into submission: the physics challenging the continuation of Moore’s law, the increasing importance of software that is embedded and the applications that run on chips. It takes too long, costs too much and worse, the quality is never where it needs to be. There is a tremendous amount of risk involved. It is impossible for one company to afford to keep all of the rock stars under one roof.

These forces have led the chip design process to a point of discontinuity. Integration is becoming just as important as design — integration of analog and digital IP, tighter and earlier integration of every stage of the design process, integration of heterogeneous, multiple cores on a single chip, integration of hardware and software. These and other integration challenges will forever change the semiconductor companies and their value chains.

EDA must rise to meet its customers’ changing requirements. Our customers need help in the transition to a business model that can meet the cost structure, meet the time constraints, and deliver quality in a more complex world. The rock star model must evolve. Rock stars will still create amazing IP, but “system integrators” will be equally important in the value creation equation.

These system integrators will work with internal and external IP rock stars, and even their end systems customers, using distributed systems. Hardware and software teams will be managed using executable specifications and metrics that bring more predictability to schedules, just as the complex system integrators do in the embedded software world that I come from.

That’s right, I spent the last five years in embedded software going through a very similar industry transformation. I know from experience what a shift to an integration model looks like. Similar to embedded software, a community of experts in the EDA industry is forming and actively gaining momentum. They can’t be stopped and they won’t be ignored. They’re driven by fundamental economic forces. This EDA community is quickly developing a system integration model that can be broadly used and reused by the entire industry. But what comes next?

The way I see it, no one has answered the call of the community. No one has stepped up, raised their hand and focused on making sure our customers have the tools and techniques they need to face the coming challenges of the industry.

Well look closely, because my hand is up!

A great company is going to seize this opportunity. At the end of the day, this company will have achieved legendary results and be able to boast all of “the ten things to look for” mentioned in the Fortune article. This company will be THE “legendary” EDA company. This vision is why I joined Cadence.


*Originally posted on EDA Graffiti.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Nightlife Simplified

Newport Beach, CA. (September 26, 2009) – PubDistrict Inc. announced today the national launch of its new flagship nightlife website With more than fifty U.S. cities in its sights and determined to surpass AOL’s newest nightlife acquisition in popularity, ClubDistrict’s winning strategy was clear; pure simplicity.

Creating the strategy for what lies next in nightlife was only one side of the story; the other side was how the story would be told.  For the developers of the design objective was clear, nightlife simplified.  Clean interfaces, aesthetically appealing, and single click navigation showcasing a new mantra of architectural innovation uncommon to nightlife websites.  Ultimately culminating in an online experience that’s as simple as walking a straight line.

When it comes to web communities, users prefer simplicity and ease of navigation. ClubDistrict’s developers placed emphasis on simplicity. The streamlined navigation has no drop down sub-menus; instead the site uses search functionality and member data to aid in navigating the site. According to Hans Thurau, CEO of PubDistrict Inc, “Drop down navigation menus are limiting for user-generated content sites. For example, if you have a drop down list of cities in your navigation, you are limited to content from only those cities. This stuns your potential growth into new emerging markets not listed on your site. If Orlando is not in your drop down menu, how is someone from Orlando going to find or contribute geographically relevant content to your site”.

Without attempting to reinvent the wheel for event ticketing the company opted for content feeds from partner sites. “There are so many great sites out there that offer online ticketing systems such as, and; there was no reason to over-inflate our development budget with these features”, states Mr. Thurau, “Same with video; we were not going to re-invent Why double the effort by having someone upload videos to both Youtube and ClubDistrict. We opted for video posting instead”.  Posting allows members to easily share Youtube videos they uploaded or post videos they find entertaining and want to share with others.

The think tank at ClubDistrict headquarters in Newport Beach, California are already developing the next generation of their dot com. There is no launch date yet for what’s slated as two major upgrades that will revolutionize how events are promoted and how members interact on the website. According to Mr. Thurau, these upgrades will not only simplify your online experience but your life as well.


PubDistrict Inc. is an entertainment company based in Newport Beach, California. PubDistrict’s online property is a popular national nightlife portal. PubDistrict Inc. has provided online marketing services to more than 150 clients including MTV, House of Blues, and Toyota Scion. For more information, please visit

Daniel Park
PubDistrict INC
4060 Campus Drive, Suite 130
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Office: 949-226-7419
FAX: 949-975-1833


Fish Where The Fish Are

Oh how slow we are to change our habits! Jupiter Research documented – in 2007 – a clear picture of how consumer behavior has shifted, indicating the gap between consumer habits and ad spending. Here we are 2 years later and the gap is still very present. In fact, if the difficult economy had not set in, I would bet many businesses who have changed their habits to match, would not have.

Consumers report watching less than 11 hours of TV per week, yet advertisers still spend 22% of their budgets on TV ads! Newspaper is worse – consumers spend 1 hour a week reading newspapers, yet, through force of habit, advertisers still spend 15% of their budgets advertising in newspapers. Hello.

The fish have moved. Come on marketers – fish where the fish are.

Friday, September 25, 2009

What’s Next in Marketing & Advertising

The message is clear; the world of marketing and advertising needs to change. It’s not possible to see the world as an audience anymore. If we want to succeed in the world we live in and create awarness around our brands we need to wake up and start to think differently. Now!

Well, you who work in marketing might say that you already know that and that you are. I say no. We are aware of that the world is change and that we need to do things differently but do we do anything about it? NO. Not yet. I know its a evolution that takes time but if we aren’t carefull and actually do something about the way we work with brands and communication someone else will do it for us.

Paul Isakson is a man who understands. Please take time to go through his presentation. Its worth every second. And if you have any comments about the presentation, he welcomes you to send it over!

What’s Next In Marketing And Advertising (2009) View more documents from Paul Isakson.

Green Day lança novo clipe

O Green Day lançou o vídeo do terceiro single “East Jesus Nowhere”, música que faz crítica a todo e qualquer tipo de fanatismo religioso. O clipe traz imagens da banda durante a turnê do novo álbum 21st Century Breakdown. A música de trabalho anterior, “21 Guns”, rendeu a banda os prêmios de melhor clipe de  rock, melhor fotografia e melhor direção no VMA 2009.

Quem quiser conferir basta acessar o site da banda:

Abaixo segue o vídeo com a performance da banda durante o VMA 2009:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Product Diversity at Ralphs

It’s been hot in San Diego, disgustingly hot.  This is no time to run out of deodorant, which of course I had.

I decided to make a quick run to my neighborhood Ralphs store to pick some up.  What I experienced was unlike any Ralph’s trip I had ever experienced.  More stores need to embrace their product diversity, and push it like Ralphs did yesterday.

First I went and bought my deodorant, then sandwich stuff (they have a great deal on deli meat) and then bread.  When I was walking to check out I saw something that caught my eye.  It read:

“Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol – 40% off with club card”

Only 17.99

If you are a follower of wwwwY you read my earlier post about Brown’s new book and my interest in buying it.  I had decided to hold of on buying it until the price came down and I had more free reading time.  Ralphs did such a good job of giving incentive to buy it, I couldn’t resist.  I had planned on spending less than $10 at my trip to Ralphs, but ended up spending more than $30 because of the book.  That’s what I call upselling.

Most major retailers can learn a thing or two from Ralphs.  Most grocery stores have highly diversified products in their stores. A book section is a regular section in most stores.  But what do you usually see the promotions for?  Proctor and Gamble, Pepsi-Co, Kellogg’s, etc.  The fact that a book was being pushed to consumers was eye catching.

Stores should try and switch things up.  I’m tired of seeing: toilet paper, beer, cereal, coke and the same usual products being pushed at grocery stores.  Yes, I understand those products sell well, and will sell well; but why not try switching things up.  You have all these other products in your store, so why not try to promote some of them.

I would be willing to bet that if Ralphs had put this book promotion in their mailer, that they would have had a decent amount of people coming in to buy the book.  It would save a book store trip for those who were planning on getting it and give them an opportunity to buy groceries as well.  Plus the price was very enticing.

Let this be a lesson to all businesses.  Use your diversified products to your advantage.  Try pushing them to catch the attention of impulse buyers and to bring in new potential customers.

Hey, Ralphs got me, why shouldn’t they get more people like me?

Follow Todd on Twitter:

How To Keep Your Newsletter From Being Marked As Spam

What new email marketers don’t understand is that sending emails which have the possibility of being perceived as spam, even if they’re not, will ruin your email marketing campaigns. Internet service providers, as well as well known email platforms, are on a constant watch for email spam and will do anything in order to stop it. After all, spam takes up server resources and bandwidth and leads to unhappy customers. Because of this, email platforms and Internet service providers will literally block messages sent by someone they deem to be a spammer.

If you want your customers to receive your newsletter, make sure that you follow these tips to ensure that your emails aren’t mistaken for spam.

Consistently Use Opt-In

If you aren’t familiar with the terms “opt-in” vs. “opt-out,” “opt-in” email marketing is when you ask people to sign-up for your newsletter, and then people make the decision whether to say “yes” or “no.” “Opt-out” email marketing is where you capture people’s email addresses and then automatically include them in your email list. Now, which type of email marketing would you guess leads to great results? If you guessed “opt-in,” you’re correct! People who willingly subscribe to your newsletter already understand its value and will be more responsive readers. Check out this Vertical Response review for software which can help you run a great opt-in campaign. Have you even been automatically added into an email newsletter subscription? If so, then you know how frustrating it is to receive emails that you don’t read, and didn’t even request. If you do this to your customers, they will come to view your brand as annoying, and definitely won’t be responsive to your newsletter. In this case, although your list may be bigger, your ROI will be terrible as you pay to send emails to people who don’t even want to get them. Plus, when people get an email they don’t like or think is spammy, they will alert their email provider and you will be blacklisted in no time. Long story short: always utilize “opt-in” email marketing.

Send Relevant Emails

Almost as bad as “opt-out” email marketing is promising your readers one thing, and then delivering another. If you tell your readers that your newsletter will have the latest industry news or special discounts, and all you deliver is your company’s latest news, your customers will be annoyed and will unsubscribe. You need to ensure that what you promise is in your newsletter actually is there. Moreover, make sure that the first few emails you send are exactly what is promised by using an auto-responder series for new readers. For great autoresponder software, check out these email marketing reviews. After you have proven your newsletter, you can starting including promotional materials. If you have indeed delivered on your promise, your customers will be happy to convert when you send along the occasional promotion.

Ensure That It’s Easy To Unsubscribe

Here’s an email marketing truth: all subscribers will eventually unsubscribe. Make it easy on your customers and be sure to include an “un-subscribe” link in your emails, preferable in the footer. Many email marketing companies, as a way to ensure quality, will actually require that you do this in order to maintain compliance with spam laws and best practices. Even if your subscriber has enjoyed your email newsletter, if there is no easy way to remove themselves from your list, they will simply hit the “spam” button, alerting their email provider that your messages could possibly be spam. Now, obviously your emails are not, but sometimes it’s just easier to hit the “spam” button then to go through the trouble of manually unsubscribing on your website.

Follow these three ideas, and you will be way ahead of most email marketers. If you do the above, then you will notice an increase in email deliverability and much happier customers. Remember: happy customers lead to more sales.

Grab vital recommendations in the sphere of free traffic – read this web site. The time has come when proper information is really within one click, use this possibility.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Take Your Writing Destiny into Your Own Hands During Downtime

Whether you’re already a freelance writer or are interested in becoming one, you likely already know about the feast or famine aspect of this career. Rarely does work come in at a steady pace. Instead, you might be writing for ten hours per day and still barely meeting deadlines for several weeks, followed by a month of listening to crickets chirping away in your home office. Though this disappointing economy certainly doesn’t mean less writing is needed, it does often seem like employers are beginning to spend less on writing than before. This often means you have to search for more work just to pay the bills.

If you have some downtime lately, don’t spend your days freaking out and feverishly calculating your bill to income ratio. Instead, spend your time doing something about your situation. Even if you don’t see results right away, you might find you’ll stress less and feel more productive when you take the fate of your writing business into your own hands.

The first step toward giving your career some new life is updating your resume. Most people don’t tend to do this every month, yet they might lose and gain clients that often. If you have a few older, less impressive, or short-lived gigs, eliminate them from your resume. You should only do this if you can replace them with jobs that are sure to catch the eye of your potential clients. You will need to have at least a few jobs on there to show that you have experience, yet your resume should not be more than a page or two long unless your career has lasted decades.

The next step is sending this resume to as many companies as possible. Check out online job lists everyday, or at least a few predetermined days per week. It is not unheard of for freelancers to spend an hour or more per day scoping out possible jobs. You may choose to spend your first waking hours doing so, as long as you have had enough caffeine to address the right employers in each job you apply for.

Though sticking to a few tried-and-true job lists is great, you might need to step it up. You probably read several websites everyday, whether through your research for articles or your search for the latest celebrity gossip. If you’re like me, it might take you a while to realize that the owners of the website don’t usually write the content; they typically hire freelancers like you. There are a few sites that I used to visit often for research that I now write for, simply because one day, a light bulb went off in my slow, caffeine-deprived brain that made me realize that I was missing out on a major client. Even if you have never seen a help wanted ad for the sites you visit, it doesn’t hurt to contact them with your resume.

Along similar lines, you can always post ads advertising your services rather than waiting to apply to jobs to which thousands of other writers have also applied. In fact, I’ve received some of my highest-paying, most loyal clients through ads I randomly placed throughout the Internet. Whether you make a website, post your resume on a job board, or simply place links to your work in your email or forum screen name signature line, you never know who will read your writing. The point is to get out there and market yourself in creative ways if you want your business to stay alive and well.

MaxiMídia 2009 - Não fique fora dessa

Maximídia 2009

Reunindo no mesmo evento um Fórum Internacional de Marketing e Comunicação, uma grande feira de negócios e relacionamentos e um valorizado Prêmio de Criatividade em Mídia, o MaxiMídia é hoje o maior evento do setor em toda a América Latina, transmitido ao vivo, via satélite, para mais de 20 cidades em todo o Brasil.

Evento de grande contribuição ao desenvolvimento do mercado, o MaxiMídia expõe, promove e discute questões de relevância estratégica à integração de agências, anunciantes e veículos, além de difundir conceitos e técnicas de imediata aplicação prática no dia-a-dia de seus profissionais.

06 a 08 de outubro de 2009
Sheraton São Paulo WTC Hotel

Av. das Nações Unidas, 12551 – Brooklin Novo
São Paulo – SP

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Low Cost Strategy on Perishable Emotion

เขียนเมื่อวันที่ 22 กันยายน 2552

พอดีได้อ่านบทความจากนักวิชาการพูดถึงกรทำ Low Cost Strategy ของฝรั่งที่ประสบความสำเร็จอย่างเช่นปรากฏการณ์ของ Innovation ทาง Business ใหม่ๆในอุตสาหกรรมการบิน อย่างที่ประสบความสำเร็จเช่น Ryan Air หรือ Easy Jet ว่าบางครั้งเราไม่จำเป็นที่จะต้องสร้างนวัตกรรมใหม่ๆ ที่ High-Tech / High-Touch เพียงแค่เรา Shift มุมมองของตลาดและความต้องการของผู้บริโภคได้ก็สามารถเจาะตลาดโดยสินค้าและบริการใหม่ๆได้

ทั้งนี้ได้มีการ Recommend ในการนำ Strategy เหล่านี้เข้ามาใช้ในอุตสาหกรรมอื่นๆเช่นการลด Cost และเพิ่ม Process Efficiency ในการสร้าง Low Cost Delivery Product เช่น Pizza หรือ Fast Food อื่นๆำได้ โดยถ้าใช้วิธีการเดียวกับการจองตั๋วเครื่องบิน ยิ่งจองนานจะได้ราคาถูกเพราะการจองนั้นเขาจะวางแผนในการทำ Material Planning ได้ ซึ่งพอผมอ่านผมก็ตระหงิดๆบางอย่างตรงนี้ผมว่าถ้ามองใน Concept และทฤษฎีอาจจะถูก แต่ว่าในความจริงแล้วไม่น่าจะ Apply ได้กับทุก Product โดยเฉพาะสินค้าและบริการที่เกี่ยวข้องกับอาหาร ยิ่งราคาถูกผมว่ายิ่งทำ Low Cost Strategy แบบการจองไม่ได้เลยล่ะ

ทั้งนี้ผมมองว่ามนุษย์นั้นมีเรื่องที่เกี่ยวข้อง Perishable Emotion ผมขอนิยามคำนี้เองว่าหมายถึงอารมณ์ของคนสามารถเน่าเสียได้ สินค้าประเภทพวกอาหารนั้นยังไงผมก็มองว่าคงไม่มีใครจะวางแผนหรอกว่าในอีก 1 อาทิตย์ข้างหน้าเขาจะทานอะไร จะกินพิซซ่าแน่หรอเพราะใจคนสามารถเปลี่ยนไปเปลี่ยนมาได้ ถ้าเราลองไปดู Maslow Need Theory ก็จะเห็นได้ว่าเรื่องของการมันอยู่ในเรื่องขอ Physical need ความต้องการพื้นฐานมันจะมีฐานใหญ่ที่สุดนั่นผมว่ามันก็แสดงผลด้วยว่ายิ่งความต้องการมันเป็นพื้นฐานมันยิ่งมี Emotion ที่ืยืดหยุ่นได้สูงที่จะตัดสินใจทำหรือไม่ทำอะไร

ซึ่งตรงนี้ถ้าเราอยากให้สินค้าเรามันสังจองได้มันจะต้องมี Value เกิดขึ้นที่สินค้าอื่นๆทดแทนไม่ได้ หรืออย่างน้อยต้องมี Concept บางอย่างที่ทำให้คนต้องจอง เช่น เป็นร้านอาหารราคาแพง ขายอร่อยมาก ต้องจองโต๊ะล่วงหน้าก่อน หรืออาจะเห็นได้ชัดขึ้นในเรื่องกระเป๋า Brand Name บางยี่ห้อที่จะต้องสั่งจองล่วงหน้า 6 เดือนเพื่อที่จะได้มา ซึ่งถ้าต้องจอง 6 เดือนพี่ซื้อกระเป๋า Low Cost ผมว่า บางทีไปหาที่อื่นเอา็ได้ หรืออาจจะต้องเป็นสินค้าที่มี Concept ของมันให้เกิดการจองเช่นสินค้า Occasional ที่ต้องจองล่วงหน้าเช่นวันสำคัญต่างๆ วันเกิด วันรับปริญญาหรือวันสำคัญอื่นๆ ซึ่งผมว่าน่าจะมีโอกาสจะทำ Low Cost ได้สูงกว่า

ทั้งนี้ผมว่าจริงๆแล้วทฤษฎีบางอย่างที่เสนอมานั้นอาจจะดูเหมือน Applicable ถ้าเราดูในเชิงหลักการและ Modeling แต่อย่าลืมว่าในโลกแห่งความเป็นจริงแล้วตลาดมันค่อนข้างมีเงื่อนไขเยอะในการทำธุรกิจ เราต้องแม่นในเรื่องนี้อย่างสูงไม่เช่นนั้นเราก็ต้องเหนื่อมากขึ้นในการเข้าไปแย่งธุรกิจกับเขานะครับ

Dance Marketing: Espectáculo en el punto de venta

Las compras pueden resultar agotadoras: aglomeraciones, largas esperas, dependientes que nunca están cuando más se les necesita…

En muchas ocasiones llegamos al establecimiento ilusionados, con ganas de pasarnos allí la tarde porque algún amigo nos lo ha recomendado, porque en lo anunciaron en la “tele” y tenía “muy buena pinta”, porque los precios que aparecen en el catálogo son muy atractivos… Sin embargo, no hemos tenido tiempo de entrar y ya tenemos ganas de salir de allí. Pasillos infectados de gente, ofertas que no son tales, trabajadores poco amables, lineales desordenados…

¿Qué ha pasado? La marca ha conseguido atraer al consumidor, pero no es capaz de retenerle más de dos minutos y, posiblemente, no volverá a verle por sus instalaciones nunca más. Ni a él, ni a ningún amigo, familiar…

¿Cómo solucionarlo? Dance Marketing: técnica publicitaria que busca sorprender al público mediante coreografías improvisadas en lugares comerciales.

¿Un ejemplo? Ikea (pincha sobre las imágenes)

o McDonald´s.

Al igual que el street marketing, el dance marketing busca generar experiencias positivas y únicas con la implicación del propio consumidor.

Aunque esta técnica resulte novedosa en España, en otros países ya se viene utilizando desde hace tiempo y es, sin duda, una original manera de que los centros comerciales sean un poco más entretenidos.

Visto en: PuroMarketing, Estrategias.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Regional Marketing Director (Dallas TX)

Regional Metro Marketing Director
DeVry University
Last modified date: September 18, 2009Location: Dallas, TX
Apply Now See This Employer’s Jobs Save Job Email Job Print Job

About DeVry University:
As one of the largest degree-granting higher education systems in North America, DeVry University provides high-quality, career-oriented associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in technology, science, business and the arts. Nearly 70,000 students are enrolled at its 93 locations in 26 states and Canada, as well as through DeVry University’s online delivery. DeVry University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association, DeVry University, a division of DeVry Inc. (NYSE: DV), is based in Oakbrook Terrace, Ill. For more information about DeVry University, visit

The Regional Metro Marketing Director will be one of 6 marketing directors overseeing DeVry University’s Marketing efforts within a DeVry Operational Region. The RMMD is charged with supervising the Metro Marketing Directors, Metro Marketing Managers or Associate Managers supporting the individual metros within that region to assure that the team is providing strong support and focus on building the relationship with Marketing and the metros, providing sound strategic support and addressing key marketing objectives for the metros within their region. While the Regional Marketing Director will oversee responsibility for an entire DVU Operating Region, they will also likely have responsibility for a specific metro as well.

Supervises and directs efforts of Metro Marketing Directors and Assistant Metro Marketing Manager
Build strong relationship with, partner with and communicate with operational and DEM counter-parts (GVP and GVPA).
Serve as a key partner with Metro leadership in establishing quarterly/annual strategy and plans
Manage Metro Marketing Inquiry budgets – reviewing overall inquiry volume for their locations and communicating results and activities with counterparts
Implement local marketing initiatives working with brand, digital, inquiry and Keller Marketing teams and/or outside agencies to drive local marketing initiatives aimed at generating awareness, interest and attendance in their region (ex: Open Houses, Local Brand Acts, Community College marketing efforts, support for new locations and programs, etc.)
Reviews and approves any creative requests from their region prior to submission with internal creative resources or external agencies
Keeps on top of inquiry volume within their region and works with the National Marketing Director and/or Inquiry team to assure necessary volume of inquiries and/or develop a plan for corrective action
Budget management – managing the marketing budget for their region’s marketing
Reporting and tracking – tracking inquiries and conversion for their assigned area and from any local initiatives
Act as an intermediary between the metros and the rest of the marketing department
Provide input on overall brand and media strategy for DeVry and Keller brands
May oversee a specific project or area of responsibility for the Metro Marketing team as whole
Completes other projects and duties as assigned.

To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. Below are the minimum requirements of the education, experience, knowledge, and skills required to competently perform in this position. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

Bachelor’s degree required, MBA preferred.
8-10 years work experience required.
Previous experience in direct marketing and brand building is required.
Previous supervisory skills and strong leadership skills required.
Strong communication and analytical skills
We are proud to be an EEO employer M/F/D/V. We maintain a drug-free workplace and perform pre-employment substance abuse testing. Thank you for applying for this outstanding opportunity today.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Web 2.0 heißt jetzt "Social Media"

Web 2.0 heißt jetzt Social Media, sonst ändert sich nix. Wenn ein Buzzword anfängt zu langweilen, wird schnell eine neue Wortsau durchs Dorf getrieben.

Das Chart zeigt im unteren Teil, wie oft die beiden Begriffe in Deutschland bei Google News vorkamen – hier liegt Social Media schon vorn – und im oberen Teil, wie oft beide Begriffe als Suchbegriff eingegeben wurden. Als Suchbegriff rangiert momentan noch Web 2.0 vorn, aber das wird sich bald ändern. Unter “Social Media Revolution” häufen sich bei YouTube  die Videos, die den umetikettierten Hype anheizen sollen und von quasi-religiösem Erweckungseifer zeugen.

Social Media stellt genauso wie Web 2.0 auf die durch das Internet gewachsenen Partizipationsmöglichkeiten ab, auf das Mitmach-Web – im Grunde auf jenes Ideal, das Bert Brecht schon in seiner “Radiotheorie” der 1930er Jahre skizziert hatte: Jeder Empfänger kann auch Sender sein.

Während Web 2.0 nichtssagend war (aber pfiffig als Marketing-Label), ist es semantisch problematisch von “sozialen Medien” zu sprechen. Medien haben immer soziale Funktionen. Es macht keinen Sinn, “soziale Medien” und Massenmedien gegenüberzustellen. Wikipedia tut dies trotzdem, zieht als Unterscheidungsmerkmal dann aber Kosten und Markteintrittsbarrieren heran:

“Social Media sind von Massenmedien, wie z.B. Zeitung, Fernsehen und Film zu unterscheiden. Während Social Media relativ kostengünstig und zugängliche Werkzeuge für Veröffentlichungen für jedermann (auch Privatpersonen) sind, erfordern Massenmedien umfängliche Ressourcen um Veröffentlichungen zu realisieren.”

Alles Bio? Warum stellt die construktiv GmbH eine Kuh neben ihr Logo? Oder ist es ein Schaf?

Der sprachsensible Werber Ralf Schwartz meidet den Begriff Social Media und spricht von Social Networking statt von Social Media Marketing. Soziale Netzwerke gab es immer schon; zu Goethes und Schillers Zeiten pflegte man sie mit Hilfe der Postkutsche, heute gibt es Facebook und Twitter. Das Prinzip ist unverändert, die Technik ist neu.

“Märkte sind Gespräche” hieß eine der klügeren Thesen des Cluetrain-Manifests von 1999.  Das hätte auch der alte Domizlaff  sagen können. Der wusste allerdings noch ganz genau, dass der Umkehrschluss nicht gilt, dass längst nicht alle Gespräche Märkte sind respektive sein wollen. Manche, die emsig an der Kapitalisierung von Blogs und Social Networks arbeiten, haben mit dieser einfachen Wahrheit große Probleme, wie immer wieder festzustellen ist.

Dirk Engel, Forschungsleiter bei der Mediaagentur Universal McCann in Frankfurt, verweist auf Erfahrungen, die Vodafone kürzlich machen musste, und erklärt in der Septemberausgabe von media spectrum:

 ”Je aktiver und involvierter die Gruppen der Social- Media-Nutzer sind, desto kritischer und skeptischer  werden sie gegenüber allen Marketing-Maßnahmen, die sie von oben herab wie manipulierbare Konsumenten behandeln.”

Es ist, glaube ich, sogar noch “schlimmer”: Manche wollen manchmal überhaupt nicht als Konsumenten angequatscht werden, auch nicht als aufgeklärte Konsumenten von der Seite.

Lesenswerte Blog-Lektüre: Klaus Eck: Unternehmen wollen in Social Media nicht nur spielen Ralf Schwartz: Vodafone, Berater und der Mythos Social Media

A Million Distractions...

A Million Distractions…

They say in advertising that you can choose one of three options; boredom, shouting and seduction. Which do you choose?

Every day we are exposed to millions of different signals that let’s your insular cortex (responsible for consciousness) know to act or not to act.

Stop at the red light, cross the street, have lunch, take a nap; some life threatening, some mundane.

The other day I was standing in an elevator with one of those glares across my face when I realized the elevator isn’t moving. I HAVE to actually do something. Click!

You and I have so much to remember on a daily basis that sometimes we completely forget what we are doing. We move into a kind of robotic mode. This is a result of over choice.

I bring this to your attention to remind you of something most marketers forget: the customer is seldom paying attention.

The same way I know I should push the button in order to make the elevator move, your customer is aware of needing to act. The problem is they just not thinking about it. They have too many other things to think about.

Most marketers’ solutions are to try to steal the attention of the customer. Loud colours, big banners, noise, SPECIALS!!

These are all sad alternatives that have a negative effect on the customer. Like sneaking up behind them and shouting, “LOOK OUT!”

Is this any way to start a solid relationship?

I vote for seduction.

They say the skilful use of words is the most impressive of human powers. Through words you can entice your customer with a thought more interesting than the one they are thinking.

The mind is an amazing thing. It is constantly looking, analyzing and scanning. All the while ignoring the average, mundane, the boring; the abnormal, fascinating and enticing is captured and examined.

If you want your customer to willingly give you their undivided attention the solution is simple. Give them a thought more interesting than the one they are currently thinking. Do this with magical words worthy of opening heavens gates.

You need not shout…

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Facebook/Super Rewards Lead Generation Scam

I have to admit, I’ve become a Mob Wars addict lately. On one page of the game, it offers you points to help you if you, “fill out one of these offers.” It looks like this:

Unfortunately, it is a scam, and I strongly caution you not to fill any of these out. And if you’re advertising a product, don’t pay to be on a list like this. I’ll explain why…

Why you should stay away

I decided to be adventurous and see what would happen if I filled out one of these forms. I have a Yahoo! e-mail address I don’t use, a PO Box address so I don’t have junk mail hitting me at home, and a Google Voice phone number so I can block out telemarketing scum. In short, if I ever need to fill out an online form, I’m Teflon. I hope.

Anyway, once you do fill out one of these surveys, you are then required (though they didn’t tell you this when you began) to complete an “offer from one of our sponsors.” That looks like this:

I sought out the one I figured would be least likely to get back to me – a college loan company that supposedly gives education grands to soldiers. I’m too old for the military and have never served, so this looked like as safe a bet as I was going to find. Once I’d done that, though, I still wasn’t shown my Mob Wars points – there were more offers shown to me. At least I had the option to skip these, until I found one that I couldn’t. And this is where things looked downright insideous:

See the graphics that didn’t load? They meant I could go no further. I had a lot of patience while doing this, figuring if I could just make it through all their offers and surveys I’d eventually get the promised Mob Wars points. This page made sure they I wouldn’t, but that these companies still had my contact information, and, if I had given them real addresses and phone numbers, would be hounding me until long after I am dead.

Now, you may have already seen these forms, and decided on sight they wouldn’t give you what they promise. I’m here to tell you you’re right – stay away from them. They’re a scam, and they’ll see to it they ruin your day.

Why you shouldn’t advertise this way

I am sure the company that provides this advertising model (Super Rewards) tells the people they sell services to that, “You’re getting targeted traffic on Facebook!” That can be enough for very lazy people do sign a contract, as many businesses have.

But each lead isn’t targeted, or high quality – they’re from people playing games on Facebook who are willing to fill out a form or sign up for an offer to get some help. What each of these companies gets is someone who wishes they would go away. I can only imagine how many companies will get the contact information I provided.

Besides not getting quality leads, they become bothersome, and generate negative buzz. If I were to get a call a week from the military education grant company, you can bet I would be telling everyone within earshot of this horrible company and their non-stop calls to get my money. With a blog, a Twitter account, a Facebook page and a YouTube channel, you can very safely bet your ass that I can make a LOT of people hear my complaining. And I’m nothing special – EVERYONE has access to these loudspeakers!

There’s a reason Don Lapre is universally vilified: His victims have access to universal communications.

This kind of advertising wouldn’t exist if so many companies didn’t pay for these services. It’s easy to blame this Super Rewards company, that will surely have a new name in a couple of years. But they wouldn’t be able to take advantage of people in this way if there was no one paying them to do so. The number of companies that do this are legion, and should certainly be informed that these ads are not helping them.

What is Facebook doing with these people?

If ever there was an argument for charging a subscription fee for Facebook, this is it. Facebook needs money – they offer a free service, and have yet to find a way to monetize it. In fact, each time they try to leverage their user lists or find a new way to sell advertising, they get into trouble for it. Somehow, this kind of advertising has flown under everyone’s radar as something worth complaining about. So they keep doing business with these kinds of companies.

If anyone at Facebook does read this, I would like a response: Why don’t you quality check these offer sites? Why do you allow them to make claims that, “completing one offer” will result in getting some reward? These claims are false. If you don’t look at what companies like this do, the advertisers aren’t the only ones who won’t be trusted. All Facebook ads could get the reputation for false claims, false promises, and continuous telemarketing calls.

10 years ago, advertisers ponied up for banner ads in droves. Enough people clicked on to get pop-ups, cookies that invaded their privacy, telemarketers, spam e-mails…  and then they stopped clicking on them altogether. It took years for these kinds of ads to come back as a viable marketing tool, mostly because major sites like Yahoo! and MSN quality controlled the ads, and forbade certain companies from buying this space. Today, people still click on an eBay banner with confidence, because eBay hasn’t ever steered someone wrong. They also stay away from any banner that asks about your credit score, because so many of these companies have.

Facebook needs to control who can advertise as well, lest they completely ruin their advertising platform.

In the meantime, be very wary of what you click on and what information you share when someone has a “deal” for you. I’ve never met a single person who got a, “free Xbox just for filling out this form!”

Chocolate Is Conversation? Chocolate that is healthy. That doesn’t sound right. If you want to be healthier, lose weight, and earn some extra money while your at it. You need to see this right now. The delivery services of the world, deliver many different things and probably never concern themselves with what is in the box. However, when we have chocolate in the box. The rules change. Not only do they know whats in the box, but now my UPS guy knows that it not only tastes fantastic, it is good for him.

Do you love chocolate but hate the fact that it is unhealthy for you. I have news for you. Chocolate that is healthy for you is here.

Do you want to be Healthier, Lose Weight, Eat Better, and earn an extra income while you do that. The time is now and I will see you soon.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Leddra Chapman At Monkey Chews Was Fabulous

We were at Monkey Chews in Camden last night to see a new lady artist we’re working with. Leddra is 20, and as stunningly beautiful as she is talented. It turns out she used to perform in this pub when she was 15 and knew everybody there. She performed a fantastic version of MGMT’s "Time To Pretend" that we hope to record and provide as a free download.

At the end of Sept she will be at the World Surfing Championships in Biaritz France, performing in the Quicksilver tent – nice for some! Hopefully we will get lots of photos of beaches, surfers and campfires.

Get in touch if you would like to know more.

Teamwork Revolution Power System

The most powerful MLM ever is now in pre-launch.


You are getting in on the ground floor of the most advanced and mathematically superior home-based business in history, allowing you to earn 450% more money than the owner of the company.

This is what affiliate marketing was always supposed to be…..about helping YOU, not the owner.

Lock in your position today and secure your spot in the company for FREE before the flood gates are opened to the masses on Oct. 7th

You are here to take part in the very beginning of what will soon revolutionize the affiliate marketing and home-based business world forever.

As you can see, you couldn’t be in a better place at a better time. You are in on the very foundation of an extremely carefully orchestrated business designed to be mathematically unbeatable that will soon bring in ten’s of thousands of members in the months to come. Lock in your position NOW and secure your spot above the masses…..AT ABSOLUTELY NO COST!


Affiliate Program Structure and Compensation Plan

2×8 affiliate program structure allowing all members to recoup their monthly membership fee with ONLY 2 REFERRALS, and earn $2,330 a month with only 510 PEOPLE in their network, which they will achieve faster than ever before due to the mathematically impossible to beat rate of spillover of the 2 wide affiliate program structure.

Total monthly income = $2,330 with only 510 people in your network, which can be repeated over and over by creating multiple accounts.

Not only do you earn a higher income with far fewer team members than with any other program while breaking even and receiving spillover at mathematically impossible to beat rates, which gets you into profit and earning a livable income faster than with any home-based business that has ever been created, but…..

You earn an average of $4.50 per person in your network, which is over 450% more money than the owner of the company.

Compare this to other popular programs that provide much slower spillover, require far more team members to break even, require two to four times as many team members to earn far less money, and offer a far lower payout percentage, making the owners rich while the average person struggles to even recoup what they’ve invested.

Teamwork Revolution Power System is the most mathematically superior program that has ever existed, providing the greatest possible opportunity for success.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nokia adquiere la red social Plum

El fabricante de teléfonos móviles ha anunciado la compra de la start up Plum; con esta empresa, la finlandesa Nokia espera completar sus servicios de social media, o social location, como se denomina a la variante móvil.

La introducción de las plataformas y herramientas de redes sociales en el móvil está moviendo a todos los grandes actores del sector móvil a desarrollar sus propias soluciones para adaptar las plataformas de más éxito y hacerlas de fácil uso en los móviles. Pero los planes de Nokia parecen apuntar a la integración de Plum en sus servicios para complementar sus servicios de localización social, que combinan las dinámicas de redes sociales con información sobre la localización geográfica del usuario.

En opinión de algunos expertos, con esta adquisición, Nokia espera contrarrestar la popularidad de terminales interactivos como el iPhone.

Más información:

Cạm bẫy Tiếp thị hình ống

Việc không biết rõ về các khách hàng tiềm năng của bạn là một trong nhiều nhân tố gây tốn kém tiền bạc cho doanh nghiệp. Các cạm bẫy tiếp thị ngày nay luôn hiện hữu ở bất cứ đâu và nếu sơ sẩy, bạn có thể vô tình mắc phải lúc nào không hay.

Với trên 31 năm kinh nghiệm tư vấn kinh doanh, Denise Corcoran – CEO của hãng tư vấn The Empowered Business – nhận định rằng khi rơi vào các cạm bẫy này, bạn sẽ mệt mỏi với việc đầu tư thời gian hay tiền bạc tiếp thị cho hoạt động kinh doanh của bạn và không đi đến đâu cả; bạn chán nản bởi không biết làm thế nào để các nỗ lực tiếp thị được đền đáp; bạn mong muốn biết được bí quyết nhân gấp bội các kết quả tiếp thị với tốc độ và độ chính xác lớn hơn nhiều?

Tuy nhiên, theo Denise thì điều đáng mừng là giải pháp cho vấn đề này có thể đơn giản hơn bạn nghĩ.

Một thống kê gần đây của The Empowered Business cho thấy trên 85% các doanh nghiệp tại Mỹ đã từng chịu đựng một căn bệnh đe doạ lợi nhuận được gọi là Tiếp thị hình ống (Tunnel Vision Marketing).

Triệu chứng của căn bệnh này là gì? Nếu doanh nghiệp bạn mắc phải căn bệnh này, bạn nhận ra nó như thế nào?

Để trả lời cho các câu hỏi này, một câu hỏi khác được đặt ra đó là khi bạn nghĩ tới từ “hình ống”, những chữ nào hiện lên trong suy nghĩ của bạn? “Dài và hẹp”? “Không có ánh sáng”? “Mò mẫm”? “Tối thui”? “Không thấy đường ra”? “Thiếu bức tranh tổng thể”?,…

Denise cho rằng tiếp thị hình ống mang tất cả các dấu hiệu trên và còn nhiều hơn thế nữa. Bạn dường như mù quáng về những ai là khách hàng của bạn, về những gì gây sự chú ý của họ, về những gì khích lệ họ mua sắm,… Bạn không thấy được các kết quả tiếp thị, con đường của những nỗ lực tiếp thị bạn bỏ ra dường như dài vô tận, không có điểm đích ở đâu cả. Không những vậy, bạn còn không thể vạch ra được các kế hoạch tiếp thị trước mắt cũng như trong tương lai gần.

Nếu doanh nghiệp của bạn đang trong trạng thái đấu tranh để sinh tồn hay có các hoạt động sát bên lề của sự ổn định và khó khăn, rất có thể bạn đang vướng phải Tiếp thị hình ống.

Tin tốt ở chỗ có phương thuốc chữa căn bệnh trầm kha này. Những gì mà Denise Corcoran chia sẻ với bạn đó là “BÍ QUYẾT SỐ 1 CỦA CÁC NHÀ TIẾP THỊ HÀNG ĐẦU” – một bí quyết sẽ nâng cao doanh thu cho bạn, cắt giảm tối đa chi phí lẫn thời gian tiếp thị và giúp bạn trở nên khác biệt ngay cả trong thời gian thị trường có nhiều đối thủ cạnh tranh nhất.

Bạn muốn biết bí quyết đó? Chắc chắn rồi. Hãy đọc tiếp:

Bí quyết tiếp thị thành công số 1:

“Tìm hiểu và đi guốc trong bụng các khách hàng hiện tại và tương lai … cả bên trong lẫn bên ngoài”.

Hãy thử hình dung về một khách hàng gần đây của bạn? Bạn biết những gì về người đó? Có điều gì ngoài tên và số điện thoại của họ? Bạn có biết những gì lôi kéo được khách hàng đó? Bạn có biết những nhu cầu và mong muốn thực thụ của khách hàng đó?

Nếu bạn muốn thay đổi nhanh chóng các kết quả tiếp thị của mình, bạn PHẢI đi guốc trong bụng các khách hàng hiện tại và tương lai; bạn PHẢI biết được các sắc thái suy nghĩ, tình cảm, lối sống, nhu cầu, niềm đam mê sâu sắc và cả các những thách thức to lớn nhất của các khách hàng; bạn PHẢI nắm bắt được các tính toán của họ; ngoài ra, bạn PHẢI kết nối tới trái tim của họ.

Denise Corcoran đưa 7 câu hỏi theo đó bạn cần trả lời tốt nếu muốn cải thiện các kết quả tiếp thị:

  1. Những lo lắng nào khiến các khách hàng của bạn nửa đêm thức giấc, mất hàng giờ liền sau đó mới ngủ được?
  2. Những nỗi e ngại lớn nhất của các khách hàng là gì? Điều gì thường xuyên ám ảnh các suy nghĩ của khách hàng khiến họ dừng bước với sản phẩm, dịch vụ bạn đưa ra?
  3. Những gì chọc giận họ nhất và kích thích sự ra đi của các khách hàng?
  4. Niềm khát khao sâu thẳm và bí mật nhất của các khách hàng là gì?
  5. Những giá trị nào là quan trọng đối với các khách hàng trong cuộc sống và trong kinh doanh của họ?
  6. Những nhân tố nào ảnh hưởng tới việc ra quyết định của các khách hàng?
  7. Loại sách nào các khách hàng hay đọc? Họ hay xem những chương trình TV gì? Gia đình của họ thích những gì? Họ dành thời gian rỗi rãi cho những việc gì? Lối sống của họ như thế nào?

Nếu bạn dành đủ thời gian để biết về trái tim, trí óc và tâm hồn của các khách hàng, những đền đáp trong các kết quả tiếp thị sẽ vô cùng lớn. Hãy nhớ rằng Tiếp thị hình ống nếu không được sửa chữa kịp thời sẽ tác động tai hoạ tới hoạt động kinh doanh của bạn.

Bước hành động theo Denise Corcoran

Trước tiên, hãy tự mình trả lời các câu hỏi ở trên để kiểm tra kiếm thức về các thị trường mục tiêu của bạn. Sau đó đặt ra những câu hỏi tương tự với từ 5 khách hàng hiện tại/tương lai trở lên trong từng thị trường của bạn để tìm ra các câu trả lời thích hợp.

Các nguồn khác cho thông tin này: tìm hiểu các “chủ đề nóng” và các quảng cáo trong các tạp chí, tờ báo,… có nội dung liên quan tới thị trường mục tiêu của bạn. Hãy sử dụng các thông tin này trong các chiến lược và giao tiếp tiếp thị để tiếp cận thị trường, tiếp cận khách hàng. Hãy đảm bảo rằng bạn thực hiện đúng phương thuốc chữa cho căn bệnh Tiếp thị hình ống nói riêng và bất cứ căn bệnh tiếp thị nào khác nói chung

Theo bwportal

Các bài viết khác :

  • Tiếp thị khách hàng qua game
  • Bí quyết marketing dịch vụ
  • Bloomberg làm nóng thương vụ BusinessWeek
  • Marketing chiến lược bị lãng quên?
  • Xác lập hình ảnh thương hiệu của bạn

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Coming soon: 'live action' version of Google Earth

The beginnings of a new ‘as live’ version of Google Earth is in its formative stages, thanks to efforts being made by a US university.

Academics at Georgia Institute of Technology are in the process of augmenting the mapping service with dynamic information, which will show realistic ‘live’ action to users zooming into areas such as sports stadiums, shopping streets, theme parks and motorways.

The technology could present a host of new marketing opportunities to brands and businesses looking to promote their services in life-like online scenarios.

The university has posted a YouTube video highlighting their progress so far.

Rap with me, brother

Why is it that the majority of rap or hip hop tracks are a collaboration with some other artist? Is solo not cool anymore?

Well, the simple answer is that it is just marketing. For a while, I found the lack of individuality irritating. It seemed that these artists collaborated out of necessity. Did they have so little content that they needed “helpers?” This view is just naive.

Everything in our society is highly commercialized, and that absolutely includes art. ‘Ft. Artist X’ is just another infiltration of marketing; it’s an endorsement. Cross-branding might even be a more fitting term for it. It’s like Bounce sheets with Febreeze, or Crest toothpaste with Scope.

So if these artists want to engage in this tactic, that’s cool. Kanye seems to like doing it as much as anyone else. In the past he’s teamed up with Chris Martin, John Legend, Dwele, and T-Pain, to name a few. I know at least one 19-year old artist he won’t be sharing the mic with—again, at least. Anyone else… well, that’s fair game.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Using images to build business and remove obstacles

I don’t know about you, but I love images. My husband would tell you how I am click mad with a camera, especially since we have joined the digital age. And worst of all I find it almost impossible to thin the pictures down (even the poor, blurred ones), because each, in its own way, tells something special.

Some could argue I am not a particularly good photographer and it is true I do not have the patience to wait for the perfect setting, lighting… but I know the reason is just simply because I find images often express something way beyond what words can capture.

That is why I use images in coach-mentoring, training, helping clients define their USP. I am always surprised by how they can help someone: clarify what they want, generate new ideas, discover and remove block that stand in the way of success and inspire clients to move forward in a positive way.

Aping a well know piece of brand advertising I guess you could say: “ Images can  reach parts words cannot”

Hélène is a successful accredited business coach-mentor who used her experience to create the FunShop a fun and empowering way to move forward in the face of change

Marketing 'YouTube Resume with Navigation' - Day 1

My social media marketing strategy for Day 1 launch of my YouTube Resume with Navigation consisted of:

  1. Create a Blog
  2. Facebook
  3. LinkedIn contacts via “Ask a question”.
  4. Twitter
  5. Contact one influential blogger

I created a wordpress blog as I needed a “landing spot” for anyone who viewed my video resume and actually wanted to download my resume, interview or hire me. My 1st blog, Social Media Marketing in Music, resulted in a 50% increase in application downloads for a MySpace App called “Playlist Power” that my team built at Weekend Apps held at Google in February 09. So I am a firm believer that blogging needs to be part of a successful social media marketing strategy. A wordpress blog is sure easier than building a web page from scratch. I basically learned wordpress by starting a blog, using WordPress help, and searching for html tips when I wanted to try something a little more advanced. I also follow a few blogs about blogging in wordpress. One I like in particular is WebsiteInAWeekend by Dr WordPress.

I first posted news about my YouTube resume on facebook to see if any of my friends had problems viewing the video. I’d done extensive testing prior to posting, yet still, one of my friends caught a link that did not work in my blog (a last minute link I added after I completed 98% of my testing had a problem … the one link I had probably not tested).

Next I posted an update to LinkedIn, but I also used  ”ask a question” and contacted all my linkedin contacts in this way, both sharing the link and asking a legitimate question regarding best practices for gaining the attention of influential bloggers. This had a 2nd purpose as well, reminding all of my LinkedIn contacts that I’m still looking for work.

Late sunday night I tweeted “1st ever YouTube resume with “in-video’ navigation links & a unique “serial navigation” technique.“. It was retweeted once in the 1st 3 hours.

I have not been using twitter very long so my number of followers is still under 100. What I really needed was someone with a lot of followers and some measure of authority in the subject area of job seeking/networking to tweet my link. I decided to contact Jason Alba, the founder of JibberJobber. I’d seen Jason present at a workshop this past spring and it was at Jason’s talk I decided that I would start a blog about something and learn how to blog. I also remembered him saying “any time you write a blog post, tweet a link to your post … trust me … just do it”. I’d followed his advice and found about 1/3 of my blog readers were coming from twitter in my 1st blog. I also remember Jason saying that he took the time to repond to inquiries and questions and so I thought, why not contact Jason Alba ? Maybe he’d tweet something about my resume. Jason responded and tweeted “This is awesome-navigation inside a YouTube video- closest thing to video resume that I can like!“. He also continued the correspondence and asked If I’d like to write a guest blog about this.

1st day results:

  • YouTube plays = 201  (269 minus the 68 that I’d logged in testing prior to launch).
  • YouTube navigation uses = 100 (164 minus the 64 that I’d logged in testing prior to launch)
  • Day 1 Tweets and RTs (retweets) = 22
  • Blog visitors = 62
  • Hiring Inquiries = 0  ( I wasn’t really expecting any this quickly)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Is BBC Worldwide about to be put up for sale?

BBC Worldwide could be about to part privatise, according to the BBC’s director general Mark Thompson.

In an interview with the UK’s Guardian newspaper, Thompson said the BBC would review ”whether 100% ownership of Worldwide is essential going forward”.

According to reports, options being mooted include a stockmarket flotation or selling a stake to a rival broadcaster or international partner.

BBC Worldwide is the commercial subsidiary of the BBC and last year made profits of AED 625 million from licensing programmes and formats such as Top Gear, Blue Planet and Dancing with the Stars.

It describes itself as a ‘global showcase for the best of British creative talent including actors, journalists, presenters, writers, directors, musicians, designers and technicians.’

October Interactive Minds

The October Internet Marketing Seminar from Interactive Minds is all about understanding who your customers are and how to engage them.

Some great insights to be had from Resonate Solutions who operate online communities and social media strategies for the likes of The Buzz Insurance, Woolworths and Hungry Jacks.

Hitwise is also joining us to share their insights into customers – who they are, what they’re doing and how to understand them.

dp dialogue will also present their tools and insights into social media – how to monitor what’s happening online and how to sell social media to your management team.

Great event, don’t miss out. September sold out!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Have You Ever Wondered What A Business Coach Could Do For You?

I thought I would spend the next couple of posts giving some useful information on Coaching and list some of the questions I am asked most frequently.

Firstly, you have to know that all Coaches are different and work in different ways.  The way that I explain business coaching to people is that it is a combination of:

  • Hiring a business partner for a period of 3 months, and
  • A personalised training course for you.

So what does this mean to you and how does it benefit your business? 

Well, have you ever wanted someone to brainstorm problems with, discuss issues and options with, someone to give you independent advice, someone to come up with some ideas when you get stuck? 

That is the job of a business coach.  They are there to help you move forward and to make the best decisions possible for your business at that particular point in time.  They will never make decisions for you – after all it is your business, your money and your life at stake.  They will however point you in the right direction or highlight any potential pitfalls that you have overlooked. 

A coaches job is to get you to take massive action in as short a time period as possible.

As far as being a personalised training course – if you need to find more clients for your business, we can help with that.  If you need to create a marketing plan, hire staff for your business, improve your systems, work on your cash flow, improve your time management – we can work on all of those things. 

We start where it will make the biggest impact in your business and take it from there.  Choosing a coach is a personal decision – they need to know everything about your business, so make sure you know you will get on with them – sometimes they will tell you things you don’t want to hear!

Working with a coach can be the best thing that ever happened to your business or your life – so if you have ever thought of doing so – take the plunge. 

Find someone to partner with you in your businesses success and you will be amazed at what you can achieve in just 3 months!


Radiografia del sector publicitario español

Los principales retos a los que se enfrentan las empresas del sector son: la búsqueda de nuevos clientes y el mantenimiento de la cartera actual, la continuidad del negocio, alcanzar los objetivos o conseguir más financiación. Ante esta situación, el sector de la publicidad pide a las Administraciones Públicas mayor apoyo, subvenciones y ayudas y reducción de impuestos.

Éstas son las principales conclusiones:

· El sector de la publicidad en España aglutina alrededor de 40.000 empresas, con una cifra de ocupación de entre 120.000 y 130.000 personas (de éstos, aproximadamente 40.000-50.000 desempeñan su actividad por cuenta propia)

· La media de trabajadores es 16,8 empleados

· Casi la totalidad de las empresas cuentan en su mayor parte con capital español, y hay una mayor presencia de capital extranjero en las de mayor tamaño

· El 42,7 % de las empresas entrevistadas tiene una antigüedad comprendida entre 11 y 20 años (un 30,9 % es inferior, y superior en un 23,9 %)

· El régimen jurídico es en su mayor parte sociedad limitada (66,7%, frente a un 24,5 % que son sociedad anónima)

· El 68,8% de las empresas se concentran en la Comunidad de Madrid (37,9%) y Cataluña (30,9%)

· Más de la mitad de las compañías sitúan su facturación entre 0,5 y 3 millones de euros/año

· Los principales servicios que ofrecen son: publicidad, artes gráficas, carteles, vallas y marquesinas, prensa, marketing, eventos, ferias y mailings

· Las empresas del sector operan mayoritariamente en el ámbito nacional

· Un 55,5 % de las empresas trabajan con los anunciantes, un 42,4 % con empresas del propio sector de la publicidad, un 18,8 % con la Administración Pública y un 8,2 % con el Tercer Sector

· Por sectores de trabajo: Tecnologías de la Información (65,8%), la banca (17,6%), alimentación (15,5%), automoción (13,6%), seguros (11,5%) y limpieza e higiene (6,1%)

· Existe un gran desconocimiento del plan sectorial de Formación Continua: el 59,7% de las empresas no lo conoce, frente a un 26,4 % que afirma lo contrario (de éstos, el 61% lo han utilizado, con una satisfacción global media de 7,26 puntos sobre 10)



Saturday, September 12, 2009

Twitter nutzen

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Twitter ist in aller Munde und wird von Millionen von Menschen geschäftlich und/oder privat genutzt (z.B. Al Gore). Eine Erklärung zu Twitter finden Sie hier (click here).

Ich empfehle jedem, der über das Internet Umsätze generieren möchte, sich bei Twitter anzumelden. Hier geht es zur kostenlosen Anmeldung.

Literatur zum Thema “Twitter”:


Das Twitter Marketing eBook


Twitter Viral inkl. Master Reseller Lizenz


Geld verdienen mit Twitter


Twitter viral Tool massTrafffree


Das ultimative Twitter Reseller Paket


Twitter Videokurs


Ultimatives Virales Twitter-Script inkl. Master Reseller Lizenz + Bonus!

Tipp für den Schnellstart:




DR. WHAW? - September 11, 2009

I don’t care if it’s cliche or if it’s “been done.”  I’m dedicating this blog post to all of the men and women who lost their lives on this day eight years ago.  And I send my thoughts to their friend and family, as well as all of the great Americans fighting here and abroad to keep our country safe.  Never forget.

Today was a bittersweet day in my office.  A colleague and good friend will be moving on to a new career starting next week, and I will miss him terribly, though I know that is new job will be an amazing opportunity.  Needless to say, I spent the day working hard so I could go out for a drink after work to celebrate and say goodbye.  So there was a lot that I Didn’t Read While Hard At Work today!

DR. WHAW? – September 11, 2009

1. Creating Your Social Media Identity by Lisa Barone — If you know nothing else about social media, know this: you must have a plan before you take it on.  Social media is overwhelming, and it’s incredibly important to have a game plan beforehand.  Lisa Barone argues that a big step in creating your social media plan should be creating your online identity.  This is a great post because it walks you through some basic steps to creating a consistent and distinct online identity that should be the basis for any good social media plan.

2. HOW TO: Use Twitter’s Advanced Search Features from PingMicro — There isn’t much to this post, but in this case less is more.  Did you know all the cool ways to search Twitter?  I certainly didn’t!  This graphic gives a really general run-down of many advanced searches that can be performed by adding simple characters and symbols to your search terms.  This could be very useful when trying to do research or if you’re simply poking around!

3. The Battle for Social Media: SEO vs PR by Andrew Girdwood — This week a great battle was fought for social media: SEO (search engine optimizaton) vs PR (public relations).  Who is better?  Who is dominant?  Andrew Girdwood took on a PR practitioner, and the conversation itself can be viewed.  The conclusions may be surprising, but they really shouldn’t be.  In the end, the author argues that there really shouldn’t be an answer.  There is so much collaboration and blurring of lines online, that it’s not really about which camps are best at it.  Social media has a life of its own, and there should be (and are!) experts just for social media.

4. Social Media Marketing: What Comes After “The Stunt?” by David Teicher — If you’re active on social networks and other social media sites, you may have noticed lately that companies have really begun to use the space for campaigns and promotions.  There have been a lot of big giveaways and contests, but what do you do after it’s all said and done?  David Teicher wanted to know what a brand should do once it has gained lots of fans and followers with a big publicity stunt online.  While he may not have had all the answers, there has been some great discussion, and I think this is worth I read.  Add your two cents, I did!

5. Why You Should Be Worried About Twitter’s New Terms of Service by Jerry Bowles — Today Twitter announced new Terms of Service that would allow for advertisements on its Web site.  Jerry Bowles discussed why these new term may not be good for any of us.  It seems as though the site may be able to change the words in a Tweet, which could very well change the meaning.  There is also a clause which suggests that the site could use Tweets for commercial purpose without compensating the original author.  While this may not seem terrible in the short run, this could lead to some serious implications later on.

6. Can Twitter read you mind? by Mark Schaefer — Remember when Web sites like Facebook and Gmail first started to target users with advertisements based on the content of their user-specific pages?  I notice I get many more advertisements for basketball gear during the month of March.  Very strange.  Now there are services emerging that can tell a lot about you based upon your Tweets.  While none of these services have found away to use this technology for commercial purposes, it’ll be interesting to see where these go in the future.

7. How To Have Something Worth Saying by Katie Wall — I had to include this post today.  It rocked, and I had to give some love to a fellow Tar Heel!  And the conversation in the comments could be worthy of a pick all on its own.  This is Katie Wall’s first post as a regular contributor for Lauren Fernandez’s blog, and what a way to start!  Have you ever noticed that there are some people on social media who always seem to post blog entries that generate a lot of buzz?  How can I do that?  There is some great advice and insight here, and I think it’s definitely worth a read.

With those awesome picks, I hope  y’all have an awesome weekend!  And leave some feedback!  Tell me what your favorites were this week and which ones you thought just didn’t belong.  I’m all ears! : )


Friday, September 11, 2009

Brands and politics

For a long time in the history of communication, Jesus has been considered as the biggest brand in the world. I know, it sounds like a heretic statement, but if you think about it, you may find it also true.

A strong doctrine or belief, such as Christianity for example, comes along with a figure that represents the whole concept and without whom it would loose it sense. It is indeed dangerous, but it is the most efficient with a good management.

When it comes to human figures, we can all admit, without any reluctance that Barack Obama is the biggest brand alive. His success it’s due to his charismatic approach and not a doctrine or the party that he is representing.

Positive and negative aspects:

- He plays only one card, whether he wins it all or he fails. There’s no grey in this equation, but I think there is a good crisis management team behind the solid image. And this team should be ready to action any time. Maybe it is not very hard to build such a personality, but I am sure it is very hard to maintain his reputation.

- He has a whole world on his side, but masses are impulsive and when Obama will make some mistakes, he will sure be punished by the worldwide public opinion. Will it be on the Copenhagen meeting in December? I hope not!

- Every policy sustained or proposed, it’s sustained by Obama and proposed by Obama, not by the President of the United States – which leads us to another question has Obama become more influential than the American Presidency Institution? Is it safe that way?

Please pay attention to the next short documentary which analysis the visual aspects of Obama’s campaigns. It is very interesting, because it presents the less obvious aspects of the Obama’s team message.

A. N.


Twitter Trojan Dupester for the Digiterati

Guest Post. Open speech marks.

Not since the tragic Disneyfication of Winnie The Pooh has a media form been so seamlessly hijacked, re packaged and re introduced and in turn been so easily and alarmingly accepted as authentic by those who frankly should know better.

I am of course referring to Twitter.

The ability for us to connect and talk globally to almost anyone is not new. Admittedly the roving story tellers of the ancient world that have linked civilisations and belief systems together through retelling of tales and legends  took a tad longer to wander from East to West than a quick click through the internet- they were none the less exponents of WOM.

Along comes the web connection centuries later and lo! We have ‘discovered a new world’ except this time we’ll package it up as “a social media landscape” and claim its authenticity as its integrity- you can’t fool the public who own and manage social media – we are told- so don’t try they’ll see straight through you and reject you. Add to this the quasi science that marketers have developed to ensure that we can form our dialogue so that it retains the required authenticity but surreptitiously (and with integrity) ensures our message gets to be seen first and we have a whole world of contradiction. BTW if anyone thinks SEO or SM is new check out your yellow pages (yes the book) and see just how many AAA Taxis there are.

Back to my point- as marketers we sell stuff- or at least I do, I think that’s what my clients ask me to do- therein lies the genius of Twitter. Genius I say on two levels

  1. It is a marketing tool- pure simple and unashamed.  What it asks is not “what are you doing?” but “is it ok if I sell you stuff? Just click follow me, thanks, I need your permission you see, because I respect your integrity”
  2. Its neatly sneaked in to the social marketing  landscape and smartly fooled the digital evangelists and child brand managers  enough to propel them into new realms of meaningless postulation  about how as humans living in a fast paced age  we desire to connect in real time and share our daily minutiae.

Twitter is an on line multi faced billboard, that cleverly ensures its many selling messages are only available to people who ask to see them.

It’s about as social as Nero.

It’s an online market stall that allows consumers to look, and then talk to the stallholder and lets them hang around their shop waiting for the next special offer

Great for brands, monumentally pointless for individuals. So next time you Tweet just remember – you’re probably talking to yourself, and no one actually has an interest in half the conversation you think you’re having with @someonelse

BTW you can of course follow me all day on

Close speech marks.

Simon Kozak is the Strategic Planner and GM for Ad Agency G2.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Self-Publishing Book Teaser: Mr. Emotions & Friends

Fast, flashy, and fun, book teasers are an ideal, cost-effective way to kick-start your online video and social networking promotional efforts for your book.

Here’s a sample of a book teaser we recently produced for one of our authors:

Outskirts Press can help you get your social networking and video sharing promotional efforts off to an exciting, high-quality start. Outskirts Press published authors can order either option, or both, from the Marketing Options screen of their Author’s Center.

Not yet published with professional marketing options like these?


Exprimir las naranjas: marketing

Ya he comentado en numerosos posts lo importante que resulta el marketing para cualquier empresa de desarrollo de software, de hecho todas las grandes y otras no tan grandes aplican de forma continuada esta estrategia.

Como también he indicado en múltiples ocasiones, el marketing no tiene por qué ser necesariamente caro, es más, con las posibilidades que nos proporciona Internet y el enfoque hacia una web 2.0, permiten que los costes derivados del marketing se reduzcan considerablemente, sin que tenga que sufrir una merma la calidad del mismo o el público objetivo.

Con muy poco, se puede lograr mucha atención, algo que puede resultar fundamental para que la marca de una empresa suene en el mercado, lo cual es positivo para la captación de clientes y de recursos humanos (esto segundo no es algo que se deba tomar muy a la ligera, por regla general los recursos humanos suelen buscar el abrigo de las empresas más grandes o de las que más les ha sonado (no quiero decir con esto que irse a una empresa grande o que tenga mucho bombo sea la mejor o la peor opción, simplemente me limito a constatar un hecho).

En los proyectos de desarrollo de software se suele generar una serie de conocimientos, algunos de los cuales incluso se transcriben a formato digital, ¿por qué renunciar a exponerlos en el blog corporativo de la empresa o hacer algún comentario sobre los mismos en Twitter o en Facebook?, ¿por qué renunciar a participar en conferencias o en seminarios para hablar de esas materias?. El coste es mínimo ya que el trabajo ya esta hecho, en muchos casos bastará con copiar y pegar, en otros simplemente trasladar lo que está escrito en la cabeza a formato digital. Sí, requiere algo de tiempo, pero las ventajas son muy grandes, ya que permite obtener un beneficio complementario de cada proyecto de desarrollo de software en el que se participa, no aplicar esta estrategia sería como dejar las naranjas (cada proyecto) sin exprimir todas sus posibilidades (con una naranja puede que no se note mucho, pero, ¿te imaginas lo que se pierde si se suman todas las naranjas?).


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I am ATL. I ONLY do TV, Radio, Print & Billboards. But I won’t do any of those if there is a ‘promotional’ aspect involved. I am above ‘promotional aspects’ and all that ‘selling’ stuff. I am an artiste.

I am BTL. I do a lot of promotional work, but I’ll do anything really. My main concern is reaching consumers in a way that makes a real impact, whatever that way may be. But I’m not fussy.

I am ATL. The other day I was asked to contribute to a ‘strategic workshop’. I didn’t know WTF I was supposed to do. I mean, WTF. I make billboards? I was like, why am I here? Such a waste of my, like, time. Like, what am I supposed to do?

I am BTL. Very often, our job starts long before the work becomes a brochure, or a piece of direct marketing / design / digital. We spend a lot of time refining strategic insights so that our work is focused. It’s interesting because we are able to holistically tackle real business challenges and make work that makes a difference.

I am ATL. The other day I got a print ad brief with only 2 weeks to work on it. 2 weeks? How am I supposed to come up with genius in only 2 weeks? What are they thinking? So I had a temper tantrum until they gave me an extra week.

I am BTL. We generally have to work very fast, but that’s okay. We’re used to it. Usually I work on about 15 jobs at once, all in different stages of production. Our average deadline is about 2 days. This means we work late a lot but hey, that which doesn’t kill me will only make me smarter, right?

I am ATL. This basically means I’m at the top of the advertising food chain. I know, I know, you’d never think so since I’m so humble, right?

I am BTL. A lot of people think BTL is all the stuff ATL doesn’t want to do. Sometimes ATL bullies traffic into giving us the jobs they think is ‘beneath them’, but that’s cool, whatever. We’re used to working hard so its no sweat really. Besides we kind of feel sorry for ATL since we all know no one watches TV / reads print ads anymore? So we just try to make everyone feel okay about things.


Just like Drivers' Ed...

Once upon a time, Liz and I took Drivers’ Ed together.  One of us was a committed, dutiful student who took notes during class from her perch in the second row, and got 100s on all of her quizzes.  One of us sat in the third row, made fun of the one who did take notes, and was named Liz.

I think you know how that turned out: Liz is a great driver and I… think Ford makes great cars.*

Anyway, Liz is teaching me all about football so I can appreciate the Eagles.  She prepared a quiz for me and I got 100% !!!  I did get a little caught up on the “how many points is an interception worth?”  Whatevs on the trick questions.

Don’t believe my score?

*Disclosure: Ford is a client.  But I do love the Taurus.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


当社、ワカバヤシファンドでは、株式市場または上場企業による私募ファイナンス引受け(PIPE) を通じた投資を積極的に支援しております。 対象企業は、ランレートEBITDAもしくは税引前利益が150万USドル/1.5億円以上、あるいは、買収によるランレートEBITDAもしくは税引前利益が150万USドル/1.5億円以上である公開企業および(上場を目指している)未公開企業です。資金調達を求めている公開企業、またはリバース・マージャーによる上場と同時に資本調達をしたいというニーズをお持ちの非公開企業の皆様、またはこれらの企業をご存知の皆様、どうかお気軽に、私共まで直接ご連絡ください。電話番号は日本: (03) 6657-8339 米国: +01 (914) 613-3002,でございます。当社では迅速な投資判断を特徴としております。


  • 当社はリスク回避志向の投資を前提としており、ファンダメンタル調査、ボトムアップ・アプローチを採用 しています。
  • 当社では、収益性「100%」の企業、または収益力向上のための買収を考えている企業に焦点を当てて います。
  • 当社は、投資ポジションにおいて空売りやヘッジ戦略の手法を採用しておりません。
  • 当社は長期投資に重点をおいており、投資収益の確保を目的としたテクニカル・トレーディング戦略を 重視することはありません。
  • 当社の投資対象には、事業分野、業種の制約はありません。
  • 当社は公開会社、非公開会社のいずれの投資にも対応いたします。 非公開会社に投資する場合、既存 の上場会社法人(パブリック・エンティティ・シェル)を通して買収します。
  • 当社は、投資に先立って綿密なデューデリジェンスを実施します。他のプライベート・エクイティファンドではデューデリジェンスに通常数ヶ月を要するところ、当社では数週間での取引成約も可能です。
  • その効率の高いデューデリジェンス・プロセスに当社は自信を持っております。



  • 急速な内部成長のための資金調達
  •  資本構成の再構築、バランスシートの再構築
  • 買収または合併
  • 売却を希望する株主、純粋な投資目的の株式保有者、または戦略的株式保有者からの持分の取得、ある いは全事業の買収



  • 市場調査および市場開拓
  • 事業計画の立案
  • 企業の広報活動





花沢 幸次/Koji Hanazawa

副社長/Senior Vice President、Institutional Sales, Asia

ワカバヤシファンドLLC/Wakabayashi Fund LLC.



電話:  (日本); (03) 6657-8339   (米国); +01 (914) 613-3002

ファクス: (日本) ;(03) 6657-8340   (米国); +01 (646) 514-1601

  • Wakabayashi Fund Overview
  • Wakabayashi Fund Powerpoint
  • Wakabayashi Fund New Rules of Investor Relations 2009
  • Wakabayashi Fund’s Website
