Monday, November 30, 2009

5 thoughts on Marketing - Dan Wiedon

Dan Wiedon from Wieden & Kennedy is one of these people you wanna listen to, don´t you?


We want to know about the people within a company. Who are they? Why do they do what they do?

We don´t trust the companies “business process”, we want a human relationship.


Management of ideas is like gardening. And sometimes you don´t know immediately what is a weed and what is a flower.

Clients & Agencies

In a productive relationship you don´t know who is agency and who is client. They both sit there and try to find out together if this thing will be working.


Today everybody seems to be passionate. At least, it is expected. Make sure it is more than just words.


As simple as in the past around the campfire. Are you a good storyteller or a bad storyteller. Make me cry, make me laugh, make me do something. If you do it on the internet or on a mountain hut, I don´t care. Just move me Dude!


The SOHO by Masamichi Kitayama...

Woooaaaahhh… So I have been following Kitayamas work for a while, especially since he has designed all my favorite Retail spaces ever designed, and now he is dropping the ultimate project…He is taking the lead in the overall architectural and interior design direction for a building project titled “THE SOHO”, a large scale office complex with services and amenities matches a luxury hotel (via the fresh people at slamxhype)… Just Look and understand what architecture and design can do to ones life…Everything…



Friday, November 27, 2009

Is PR dead? by Aimee Postle

So, is PR in its traditional perceived form dead? Not a loaded question in the slightest! Three things have got me thinking about this – completing the CIPR Diploma, climbing Snowdon, and starting on the CIM Diploma.

The more reading I did around PR while studying for the Diploma (and the Certificate before it), the more I realised that PR in its strictest perceived form just does not – or should not – exist anymore. PR professionals (and I use that word deliberately) do not just wine and dine journalists or massage egos. Our role is – and should be – so much wider.

The PR profession (again, a deliberate choice of words) has a PR problem. While we may have developed professionally to offer clients so much more than the PR practitioners of the early 1900s with their publicity campaigns – we are not telling people about it. And, when we do, they don’t understand our jargon.

Our trip up Snowdon got us all thinking about what it is we actually do – what benefit do we offer our clients? Our vision, mission and values have been clearly defined for some time (has everyone seen our brand onion?) but how we crystallise that into a service offering that clients actually understand has been a longer process.

We subscribe to the CIPR’s definition of PR – it is about reputation; the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you. We feel this covers the holistic nature of the PR profession – defining your cause and then integrating your communications so that your messages and values are consistent across all media and to all audiences.

This is where the CIM Diploma comes into it. The reading I’ve done over the last two months has highlighted just how much we do that extends outside of the traditional realm of PR.

While we do not profess to be HR people or business management consultants, we do know how to use communications to achieve buy-in from all parties – internal and external – and how to use that for competitive advantage (the holy grail as defined by the CIM).

So, open to debate, “we are business communications problem solvers” – succinct and to the point? Or vague and yet more jargon? Does it actually accurately convey what we do? Or is it just another way of hiding behind words while we try to articulate clearly the value that we add?


Mayer Embraces New Media and Sells 300,000 records


So this is somewhat of a follow-up to my last Mayer post regarding his constant communication with fans. He just released Battle Studies last week and so far has sold over 300,000 copies.  Not bad in today’s world of free music. Not bad at all.

It helps that he has over 2 and half million twitter followers and is active on his YouTube channel and blog.  Lefsetz pointed out in a recent post that Mayer’s tweets are honest, making you feel like you know the guy. He’s not coming at you looking down and he’s not just pushing his music on you. He’s talking everyday things that other people are talking about on twitter. He’s part of the conversation. He’s a real person.

You may or may not like the music or the guy, but  you gotta hand it to him for embracing change.

Download The NewRockStarPhilosophy eBook. It’s FREE!

Take Control of Your Music


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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Capilaridade é isto! Ou quase isto...

Em propaganda veiculada na TV, o Bradesco alardeia que é o primeiro banco nacional a cobrir todos os 5.500 municípios brasileiros. Seria, então, de se imaginar que há uma agência bancária do Banco Brasileiro de Descontos em cada cidade tupiniquim, não? De fato, o Bradesco, hoje, oferece uma capilaridade que envolve todos os municípios brasileiros, graças, principalmente, ao convênio com os Correios, que oferecem o serviço denominado Banco Postal. Utilizando a tecnologia bancária do Bradesco, uma pessoa pode abrir uma conta no Bradesco a partir da agência dos Correios em sua cidade. Em 2001, o Bradesco ofereceu R$200 milhões e arrematou o direito de exclusividade para utilizar a rede dos Correios para a difusão dos serviços básicos bancários, parceria que o Banco do Brasil já vinha namorando há muito tempo com aquela instituição. Desde então, o projeto se expandiu com rapidez. Até o final de junho passado, o Banco Postal já alcançava 897 municípios, o que proporcionou ao banco paulista complementar sua cobertura nacional.


Menerapkan konsep 'Leverage' untuk Bisnis dan 'Mempromosikan diri'

Leverage adalah suatu ilmu marketing aplikatif yang Brad Sugars seorang Business Coach yang juga seorang billionaire di Australia. Ilmu ini hanya khusus digunakan untuk meningkatkan omzet dan profit bisnis. Ada lima langkah dari leverage.

1. Perbanyak jumlah prospek atau calon pelanggan! –> PERKENALKAN DIRI SAYA!!!

Bagaimanapun juga, seperti dalam adopsi teknologi, siapapun tidak akan menghubungi saya dan berbisnis dengan saya JIKA DIA TIDAK TAHU siapa saya? Pengetahuan & Skill saya? Spesialisasi saya? Background pendidikan saya? Apapun profesi kita, wajib hukumnya untuk memperkenalkan diri, bukan bermaksud sombong, namun setidaknya mencairkan komunikasi, menurunkan insting curiga dan waspada, & membuat orang lain nyaman dan tenang saat kita mengajaknya berkomunikasi.

Memperkenalkan diri membutuhkan sebuah keahlian. Disini dituntut kemampuan kita untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang kita tanpa terkesan Sombong atau Promosi. Beberapa metode memperkenalkan diri yang ‘Humble’ yang saya suka dan pilih adalah:  KARTU NAMA + BLOG/WEBSITE + email with signature linked to my Website/Blog .

Dalam bisnis, agar omzet kita naik maka kita harus memperbanyak calon pelanggan kita dengan cara melakukan promosi untuk membuat orang yang tau bisnis kita semakin banyak. Cranya bisa dengan membuat spanduk, brosur, iklan, sms, web site, dll. Intinya lakukan aktifitas yang membuat orang banyak tau bisnis, produk atau jasa yang kita jual.

2. Konversi.

Semakin banyak orang mengenal saya semakin besar kemungkinan hubungan kerjasama terjalin (dalam nasehat Baginda Rosul “jika kita ingin lebih banyak rejeki perbanyaklah silaturahmi’). Semakin banyak orang tau bisnis kita, maka semakin besar kemungkinan bisnis kita dibeli orang lain.

Konversi disini maksudnya adalah menyaring  calon pelanggan kita. Bisa jadi 1000 orang tau bisnis kita, tapi belum tentu semua orang itu mau membeli bisnis kita. Katakanlah ada 10 % saja orang yang membeli, artinya kita mendapatkan 100 orang pembeli. Konversi dapat dilakukan dengan cara memberi diskon, bayar 1 dapat 2, coba gratis, dst. Ada orang2 tertentu yang memang suka dengan hal2 itu.

3. Memperbanyak jumlah pembelian. Kita dapat meningkatkan omzet bisnis kita dengan membuat konsumen ketagihan untuk belanja. Contohnya dengan memberikan voucer belanja senilai 50 rb maka bisa jadi bulan depan dia akan berfikir untuk membeli lagi produk2 seharga 100 rb, toh hanya bayar 50 ribu saja alias jadi seolah didiscount 50%, dst

4. Memperbesar rata-rata pembelian. Misalkan seorang penjual nasi padang suatu saat ada pelanggan yang berkata begini,”Uda makan ya dengan telor dadar!” Anda bisa mengira berapa ribu dia harus dibayar? Ya mungkin 4 atau 5 ribu saja. Tapi apa yang terjadi bila diatas meja disediakan kerupuk kulit (Rp.1000), Kacang goreng (Rp.1.000) Coca Colla (Rp.3000). Bisa2 sambil menunggu makanan dia robek kerupuk kulit, habis makan dia makan kacang dan minum coca colla. Jadi ada penambahan berapa ribu?

5. Margin. Berapa keuntungan yang diperoleh warung padang? kira2 antara 40 sd 50 %. Apakah bisa dtingkatkan? Ya tentu saja bisa. Cranya? Membeli ayam sekaligus untuk 3 hari, begitu juga dengan yang lainnya.Artinya membeli dalam jumlah sedikit dan banyak tentu saja akan mendapat harga berbeda.

(di copy dan dimodifikasi dari dan


Monday, November 23, 2009

Mucho más que un Buscador...

Google se ha posicionado como uno de los mejores buscadores del mundo. Especialmente, en España su cuota de mercado es del 98%. No obstante, Google ofrece muchos más servicios tanto a individuales como a empresas. Algunos de dichos servicios son:

Algunos de dichos servicios son:

  • AdSense de Google
  • Google Scholar
  • Blogger
  • Froogle
  • Google Print
  • Google Finance
  • Google Traductor
  • Google Co-op
  • Google Image Search
  • Traductor de Google
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Trends
  • Google Adwords
  • Gmail
  • YouTube
  • Picasa
  • Google Maps
  • Google Earth

La semana pasada Google lanzó Google Chrome OS, su primer sistema operativo.

Chrome OS ha sido pensado para que sea ligero y rápido y para que el ordenador arranque y se conecte a Internet en cuestión de segundos. El sistema operativo de Google se fundamenta en su propio navegador, Chrome. Lanzado en 2008, éste se diseñó para responder a la nueva ola de potentes aplicaciones que aparecieron en Internet.

Así, las características clave de Google Chrome OS son:

  • Velocidad :Google Chrome OS podrá arrancar y reiniciar en cuestión de segundos; las páginas web y las aplicaciones se cargarán y ejecutarán con rapidez y continuidad
  • Seguridad :Ya que todos los programas que componen Google Chrome OS se ejecutan en línea, cada pestaña cuenta con sus propias medidas de seguridad, haciendo más difícil que los virus y los programas maliciosos afecten al ordenador
  • Sencillez :Todas las aplicaciones se ejecutarán en Internet. Esto implica que se editarán documentos, pdf, se verán imágenes, etc. Los usuarios del sistema operativo no tendrán que cargar nada ni descargar actualizaciones para trabajar y jugar en línea.

Chrome estará basado en Linux y, por tanto, será un software abierto frente a Windows, que es un programa propietario.

En el siguiente video vemos una explicación sobre el funcionamiento de Google Chrome OS:

Después de este gran paso de Google en el que intentará competir con dos grandes gigantes como Microsoft y Apple, ¿Qué vendrá después? ¿ Cuál será su próximo reto?


What Does It Mean: Genre?

When we get ready to send out a query, one of the things an agent or editor will want to know is what genre the manuscript fits into. According to the Encarta dictionary, genre means:

1. category of artistic works: one of the categories, based on form, style, or subject matter, into which artistic works of all kinds can be divided. For example, the detective novel is a genre of fiction.


Knowing the genre helps determine your target market, and gives agents and editors an idea of what comparable books have been written. If the market is saturated with that genre, or it is in a genre that has been selling especially well, that might affect the agent’s or editor’s interest in your manuscript.

Agents and editors each have their own area of interest, so you don’t want to waste your time, or theirs, sending queries to places that don’t handle the type of work you’ve written. But sometimes a novel or nonfiction book will contain elements of more than one genre, making it hard to classify. One way to narrow it down is to visualize where you’d expect to find your book if you went looking for it in a bookstore. For example, where would your young-adult-historical-romantic-suspense novel (or whatever you’ve written) fit best on the bookshelf at Barnes and Noble?

Choosing the appropriate genre can be confusing, so I’m going to write a series of blog posts about some of the genres in fiction and in nonfiction. I’ll do one or two a week, so if there’s one you’d like me to discuss right away, leave a request in the comments. In the meantime, here are some sites that list some of the different genres in fiction:  A list and brief explanation of some basic genres in fiction A long list of genres, with lots of subgenres  Writer’s Digest list of subgenres, with brief descriptions


What genre you do prefer reading? If you’re a writer, what genre does your work usually fit into?



Friday, November 20, 2009


Ok, So CYNFUL owner Cynthia Ultsch has been busy again making some cute new items which she released yesterday, if you havent got yours yet, i suggest you get on over there!

Skin       :Curio: Acorn-June 2-Calla Lily

Hair     >TRUTH< Trisha – Espresso

Top   [ Cynful ] Sinful Shorties – Black

Bottoms    [ Cynful ] Jeans Shorties – Grey (Leggings included)

Shoes    Kboots- black (Exile)

Earrings  -LC- Pierced Heart Earrings – Black Glass

Necklace  Aurora Borealis~ Casandra Necklace

Happy Shopping

K Xx

Get out of the office and interview a customer today

Today I watched a snippet of an interview with David Meerman Scott on his blog, Web Ink Now.   In the interview, David made up a new acronym: “MSU” – it stands for Making Stuff Up.   He points out the lunacy of the behavior of marketers and product managers who sit in their conference rooms with nice cosy Aeron chairs, making up theories about what they think they should do to sell to customers. Instead of spinning theories about how people buy their products, these marketers should get off their behinds and go talk to their buyer personas.  It would be transformational – you would learn something new about what people really need.

This resonated deeply with me.  I’m a huge believer in getting out of the office and meeting some real buyers and users.   If we are inwardly focused, we’ll lose touch with the buyers and users and end up missing the mark.   Sadly not everybody shares this view… One of my previous startups had a leadership team that was very inwardly focused.  They persisted in Making Stuff Up.  Predictably, most of the stuff didn’t work and the product didn’t sell very well.   The startup eventually perished.

So don’t get caught in the MSU mentality.  Get out of the office and do some interviews today!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Social Media ROI

Social Media = Positive ROI  Companies that are widely engaged in SOCIAL MEDIA surpass their peers in both revenues and profits.   300,000+ business have a presence on Facebook Dell sold over 3,000,000 computers over Twitter.

Blendtec quintupled sales with “Will It Blend?” YouTube videos 37% of Generation Y were aware of the Ford Fiesta via Social Media before it even launched. 

What these statement speak LOUDLY is Social Media has given POSITIVE RESULTS with low overhead.  THAT speaks volumes by itself.  BUT marketing wants ROI’s drawn up on paper.  In today’s marketing….not happening presently.  Traditional marketing has lost it’s high dollar appeal, fueled by this economy, its generating a mass movement to Social Media Marketing.  Only 18% of traditional TV campaigns generate a positive ROI…old media was Pay to Play…do you think the majority of media dollars will reside there tomorrow?


Good question…but shouldn’t we be answering:



71% of companies plan to increase investments in social media by an average of 40% because:

  1.  Low Cost Marketing
  2.  Getting Traction
  3.  We Have To Do It

Socialnomics blog states really well:  Social media touches every facet of business and it should be viewed more as an extension of good business ethics.  Which, if done properly, will harvest sales down the line.

ROI’S?  Most definitely Social Media is moving and keeping up with technology…Marketing – traditional marketing has just barely started moving in that direction,  realize that people have taken the power of conversations into their own hands. Most people become informed on whether a product or “brand” is worthwhile by opinions and comments from consumers via reviews, Social site, email, and twitter. 
Those can’t really be tracked as traditional ROI’s.  Mcdonalds says it plainly:  ”Our head of Social Media is the customer”

It’s a new era, with old value’s…at the speed of the internet = realtime: word of mouth. 


What’s your opinion?


304445     การตลาดป่าไม้     Forest Marketing

บทบาทของการตลาดต่อการพัฒนาป่าไม้ หลักการตลาดและการวิเคราะห์ปัญหาทางด้านการตลาด ไม้และของป่า อุตสาหกรรมป่าไม้ อุปสงค์และอุปทานของผลิตผลและผลิตภัณฑ์ป่าไม้กลยุทธ์ส่วนผสมการตลาดป่าไม้ การวิจัยการตลาดสินค้าป่าไม้ การควบคุม และการประเมินการเปลี่ยนแปลงทางด้านการตลาด

(Role of marketing in forest development, principles of marketings, analyzing marketing problem, wood and non-wood forest products, forest industries; demand and supply for forest produces, marketing mix strategy of forest produces, forest marketing researches, control and evaluation of marketing performance.)

(304445 มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dear &lsquo;Condominium Developer&rsquo;, A Little Branding Goes A Long, Long Way

Here is something I received last Saturday morning, what I termed as ‘Door Spam’, leaflets/flyers stuck on the front door grille. It is a leaflet for a condominium development. Which one? I really can’t say. This is the second time I have received this leaflet. I cringed both times.

Observe for a moment. What is wrong with this leaflet?

Absolutely Zero Product Branding

Somehow, the creator of this leaflet had failed to provide a name for the condominium. Apart from a spot of personal branding for a ‘Mabel Ang’ and ‘artist’s impressions’ images, no other product branding element is visible on this leaflet. Perhaps they had deemed revealing the condominium’s name as none-too-important, or keeping it a mystery will entice prospects to put in a call. Wrong move I say.

Or perhaps the condo was so badly named, they decided not to use it after reading the article on the importance of naming condos and its significance.

Cryptic Copywriting

What exactly is the inspiration behind ‘cryptic’ and ‘ambiguous’ copywriting? There is a neglect to inform prospective clients of the condominium’s actual address but instead, ‘Minutes to Somerset MRT/Orchard/CBD/IR’ and ‘Prime District 9’ are used.  Come on! That can be anywhere on the southern part of this island.

Is it a top-secret, top-end location that is only to be revealed once you are funneled through the sales pipeline? To see if you fit the bill of a likely buyer persona first, someone who is flushed with cash to spare? But why then did this leaflet appear on my HDB door in Toa Payoh!? I see that as a failure in market research and a waste of money and paper it is printed on.

Does the whole thing sounds fishy?

You bet. The credibility factor is non-present in this effort. For a $800k product, this leaflet certainly did not help in providing consumer confidence to anyone that came upon this. I find it intriguing that if this leaflet does indeed belongs to the ‘Developer’s Sales Team’, why the secrecy and ambiguousness behind the effort?

Perhaps someone from the real estate industry, or close to it, can provide an explanation for this? I’d love to get to the bottom of this! Leave your comments below!


Bonus section for the marketer in you!

Using Direct Marketing Mailers to Win Online

Direct marketing via mails (physical or electronic) may not be the best form of marketing (it is interruptive after all). But heck, since it is being used and money is going to be spent, might as well use the opportunity to provide content or more information to the prospective customer, right?

So how to do this on limited real estate on a piece of flyer?

By bringing them online to your website through a printed URL. As long as there is compelling content and relevant information provided on your website, you can be sure your prospects will be happy to devote time and attention to your efforts. It is also an excellent opportunity to build a database of customers who are willing to listen to you on a regular basis. With the permission you have received, you are now ready to start a direct mail campaign online. I am sure that is more cost effective than printed materials and manpower cost for ‘door or letterbox spamming’.

Provide your social media information to direct your prospects to connect with you. This is your Facebook or Twitter pages. The fastest way to connect with you.

See? Your investment in a leaflet has possibly doubled or tripled! Perhaps Mabel Ang might want to take a leaf out of this

Self Publishers Guide To The Best Cheap And Easy Book Marketing Tips


Whether you’ve just published a book or have a book that isn’t selling, now is the time to get to it; start marketing today! Self publishers need to have a good marketing plan to sell books and should be written prior to writing your book and in place a year prior to publishing your book. Your book selling, book marketing, and book promotion planning should begin before the manuscript is completed.

Your book press release should not be written as you would a sales letter or flier, it should be written for the editor and tell about your book in a factual way, no opinion or glowing remarks. Mail a press release to at least 1000 print and broadcast contacts just prior to publishing your title and again and again after you publish; you can never send too many.

Make sure you have at least one good press release, written in AP style, that you can send out for the lifetime of your book.

Using press releases can be a very effective marketing tool if used properly. Make sure your press release spells out the ‘who, what, where, when, and why.’ Learning to write and use powerful optimized press releases can often drive tons of traffic to your website while providing multiple back links that can lead to increased page rank and numerous top ten search engine rankings for your targeted keywords.

Don’t underestimate the value of a good press release for making book sales. Send out the same press release to the editor of your local daily newspaper every week until you are called for an interview or are written up.

Make five telephone calls a day that relate to marketing your book. Create an online contest and list it in online contest directories to drive traffic to your website. If your book solves a problem, focus on this in your marketing.

Get as many testimonials about your book, as possible, from experts in the field relating to your title, not customers; use on your fliers and back of books. I’ve seen publishers lose a lot of money paying for expensive display ads, so beware if you do this; I don’t advise it in the beginning — get your feet wet first so you know what you’re doing.

When you get a nice write up or feature about you and/or your book, have it laminated and set it up on an easel at trade shows.

Every day it’s important to focus on a variety of marketing approaches. If your book fits a specialty market, find a store that fits the genre and offer to leave books on consignment; many publishers have sold thousands of books this way. Make sure not to overlook the Internet; get yourself interviewed or profiled for sites both about writing, publishing and about the topics covered in your book.

Remember to make sure your book is listed in Books-in-Print; don’t assume its already listed. Submit articles to online article directories that focus on your book’s topic to drive customers to your website. Contact non-bookstore booksellers and offer to leave books on consignment.

Build a web site that provides another avenue for ordering, a virtual online press kit and link exchanges with sites that relate to your topic. Make sure to promote and market your book each and every day, both online and offline.

It’s important to publish a website that focuses on your title; you’ll be able to refer editors and customers and all interested parties to your book information with the click of a mouse. Local radio shows and television appearances are good but are often forgotten within hours of the broadcast; make sure to make or get a copy of any television broadcast for future promotions.

Make sure to do some serious marketing and promotion every single day, no excuses. Don’t delay another day if you’ve fallen by the wayside; make sure to focus on promoting, selling and marketing your book each and every day. One of the biggest problems self publishers and book publishers tell me about is the hundreds of books they have in inventory they haven’t set up a marketing plan for; don’t let this happen to you — get prepared now.

For more information on book marketing tips and selling more books go to founded in 1982, specializing in help for authors, self publishers, ebook and book publishers with tips, advice and resources, including information on media, library and other mailing lists, and press releases – online, wire service and offline distribution

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Marketing Basics: Save money on your marketing

Use joint ventures to cut your marketing budget in half and double your list…

Small businesses are always looking for ways to save money – especially right now. Joint venture marketing is a perfect way to do this. You share the costs and you share the list.

And it’s EASY!

So in this installment of the Marketing Basics: 17 Ways to Generate Leads for your Business, I am going to give you some ideas on how you can generate leads for your business while keeping your costs down using joint venture marketing.

Identify your target market

Understanding and knowing who your target market is, will help you identify other businesses that you can enter into a joint venture with. Normally you won’t want to do joint marketing with a competitor of yours, unless you are teaming up to offer and wider range of services and products and double your capacity.

However, the usual approach is to find a business, that is not a competitor, but who has the same or similar target market as you. For example, if you run a sportswear clothing shop then you may have the same target market as a fitness or sports provider such as a leisure centre, a gym or a personal trainer. Or if you run a Virtual Assistant business then you may have the same target market as a small business accountant or independent stationery supplier.

So you can see that by understanding your target market you can identify other business that will see value in working with you.

Understand how you will both benefit

This is the bit where you have to work out what’s in it for your joint venture partner – before you approach them. Because they are going to be looking to gain from the partnership too. Start with looking at what you want to get out of it:

** Access to a list that is larger than yours

** Share costs

** Widen your target market if they are not exactly the same

** Expand what you can offer to your client

Chances are your potential partner will want pretty much the same things. Work out how you are both going to get them. For example, if you have a large list but only one product to offer, the benefit to your JV partner is they get access to a large list and you perhaps get a commission on all products sold to list as well as building credibility with your list by being able to offer them products they may not have come across before.

Another example of joint venture marketing, on a very simple level, is to produce a piece of marketing collateral. You share the costs of production, printing and delivery – and you share the benefits.

What do you want?

Before you start approaching potential partners and coming up with lots of exciting ideas, take a little time to write down what you are hoping to achieve from partnering up but more importantly what you expect to gain out of each activity. Not “access to a larger list’ but more quantifiable than that. You want to get 10 new customers into your shop or you want to grow your subscriber list.

Knowing what you goals are will help you decide on the best activity to achieve them. E.g. if you want to get 10 more customers into your shop in the next fortnight then offer a time-sensitive deal they can’t refuse. If you want to grow your subscriber list then offer your partner’s list a gift or bonus simply for going to your website and signing up to yours. Then you can continue to market to them and develop your own business relationship with them.

In other words: Your goals define your actions.

Making it work

This is the fun bit! Coming up with the ideas. You know your target market, you have identified and approached other businesses (usually serving the same geographical area as you) that share that target market or similar and you know what you and your potential partners expect to get out of working together.

Now you need the ideas. 1… 2… 3…

1. Identify the needs, wants and desires of your target markets – what do they get out of buying from you. I.e. WHAT’S IN IT FOR THEM?

2. Set out what you both want to achieve from the activity.

3. Come up with exciting and fun ideas that will fulfill numbers 1 and 2.

Ok it’s fun, but not always that easy and sometimes this is where you need the help of a marketing professional. One of the things I do for my clients is come up with creative and exciting ideas as to how they can market themselves. But to get you started (if you don’t want to talk to me…), here are some activities that lend themselves really well to joint venture marketing:

* Events, workshops, teleseminars

* Leaflet drops, adverts, competitions

* Seasonal promotions, referral schemes and discounts

* Bonuses, giveaways, guest blog posts or newsletter articles

If you want to know more about joint venture marketing or want to talk to me about helping you put a JV plan together from scratch then email me or give me a call on 0845 272 3539 or email me on

Citroën Volta à Torre Eiffel

No ano que comemora 90 anos, a marca de automóveis francesa Citroën volta a fazer uma ação na Torre Eifel, que também celebra uma data especial, seus 120 anos. Durante os anos de 1925 e 1934 a empresa colocou o seu nome na torre mais famosa do mundo.

Logo da Citroën na Torre Eiffel - 1925/ 1934

Desta vez a empresa fez parceria com a SETE (Société d’exploitation de la Tour Eiffel). Só que ao invés de colocar o logo da empresa de novo na torre, a Citroën instalou uma iluminação especial com as cores da empresa – Vermelho e Branco. A ação ocorre em conjunto com o lançamento do novo C3 na Europa. Segundo o blog Brainstorm9, que usou informações do blog Quietglove, a ação foi decepcionante. De acordo com ambos, não era possível determinar que aquilo era um evento patrocinado pela marca de automóveis criada por André Citroën. Para contornar o problema, a empresa recorreu a vídeos online e releases.

Vista da nova iluminação da Torre Eiffel em um C3 da Citroën

Mais aqui e aqui

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Movistar recompensa a sus clientes por la publicidad

Movistar comenzó a recompensar a sus clientes por escuchar cuñas publicitarias, a través de una iniciativa dirigida a los clientes de prepago, que no ha sido publicitada más allá de su página web.

Bajo el nombre de llamadas esponsorizadas, esta iniciativa pretende ofrecer el primer minuto gratis de las llamadas a móviles de la compañía a cambio de escuchar una cuña de entre 8 y 15 segundos, aunque la marca advierte que sólo se hará efectiva si hay anunciantes interesados en el segmento en cuestión.

Movistar advirtió que si el usuario no escucha la cuña en su totalidad o decide saltársela presionando asterisco, los descuentos prometidos no se harán efectivos y recalcó que este servicio cumple con las promesas realizadas en el congreso sobre telefonía móvil de Barcelona.

Más información:

Simplicity, Relevancy & Customer Service

Having just graded your online promotional assignments, I thought that the following articles were timely, as they provide some concepts for you to consider as you start thinking about your final project.

  • The story of Zappos is a great example of how important customer service is to a brand.  His keynote at Pubcon, which tells the Zappos story, is covered by Outspoken Media in an entertaining post.
  • Conversely, this week’s recall of higher end strollers by MacLaren is an example on the opposite spectrum.
  • Besides thinking about what differentiates your company and products from the competition, it’s important that you also consider how relevant you are to your customer.  Without that consideration, you’ll be marketing in a vacuum.
  • Apparently the consumer market is moving towards simplicity, whether it’s ice cream or pet food.  While this article focuses on food products, it can apply to other products.  Is your client creating needless complications in the marketing process (including pricing)?
  • While it’s not always considered part of the marketing strategy, product design (including packaging) is important.  Fast Company’s slideshow on 12 cool product packaging designs might inspire you.

Monday, November 9, 2009

planning for the future

Planning is the process of identifying the most efficient and effective ways for brands to share the things they want with the people that matter to them most.

Until recently, that has translated into identifying the most compelling ‘big brand ideas’, and then broadcasting them to apparently homogeneous audiences through conventional mass-media.

However, this approach no longer delivers the results we need.

Contrary to the laments of the media industry, this is not because attention has become more scarce; indeed, people actually have more free time now than they used to.

The real issue is that people have more opportunities to participate in a wider variety of activities, and unsurprisingly, they are choosing to focus their attention on those activities which offer them the greatest rewards.

In place of some of the time they used to spend ‘fire gazing’ – escaping the boredom and drudgery of everyday life – people are increasingly harnessing their cognitive surplus to learn and grow.

This more varied behaviour means that ‘audiences’ are increasingly dispersed: fewer people are doing the same thing at the same time, and mass-media are increasingly less ‘mass’ as a result.

However, this actually presents more opportunities than it does problems.

Rather than simply interrupting people’s escapism, we now have greater scope to get involved and make their lives better.

But, in order to achieve this, we need to rethink our approach to brand communications.

We need to move away from planning that centres on people’s ‘media habits’, and focus instead on the things that people are trying to achieve through those habits.

In other words, we need to ask why people do what they do, not just what they do.

Once we understand people’s motivations, we’ll find it much easier to find more relevant roles for our brands:

If people want passive entertainment, how can we help with that?

If they want to learn something new, what role can we play?

If they have a challenge, how can we help them solve it?

Brand communications can evolve into a means to deliver actual value, rather than simply a means to promote other forms of value delivery.

The benefit offered can be as simple as passive entertainment, but interactive experiences, education, and even corporate social responsibility (CSR) hold even greater potential.

In line with this evolving quest for people’s hearts and minds, planning’s role needs to evolve too, becoming

The process of identifying the most relevant and engaging times and places to deliver specific brand benefits, and the most efficient and effective ways to deliver those benefits in that context.

Over the next few days, I’ll share some ideas that can help make that future a reality.

You Gotta Save Money to Make Money

We’ve all heard the statement “You got to spend money to make money” but in this economy I think the opposite is true for small businesses.  Before I get any further, lets get one thing clear. I’m not saying small businesses need to cut marketing spend. Some may argue, this is the best time to increase marketing budgets (if one can afford to). If increasing marketing spend is not an option, then small businesses need to get better data, and make better decisions about where to spend money.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past two years, you should already know that the yellow pages, and most print adverts are a complete waste.  As always, there are exceptions… attorneys, for example, still do well in the yellow pages.  If you can find a targeted print ad, you may be able to drive incremental volume. For example, a local wedding feature in the newspaper or regional magazine may drive business to a local bridal shop.

Below are my suggestions for low cost e-marketing options. All of these could be managed in-house if you have the skills.

Work existing relationships. Email marketing is great for this due to its low cost, and availability of campaign data to measure effectiveness.  Don’t be scared to ask for repeat business or referrals. You’ll be surprised how people may respond to a well crafted offer.  For self-managed email campaigns, I’ve used Constant Contact and MailChimp.  I prefer MailChimp simply because their site is cooler, and feels less corporate. If you don’t feel you have the time, or the skills, don’t hesitate to call a local marketing company for help. Expect costs to be $0.02-$0.06/email depending on the design and email list size.

Work existing relationships(2). Social media is the epitome of working existing relationships. Through your network of friends, colleagues, and customers, you can develop an online community that is engaged in your brand and goes out of their way to tell others.  However… a big however… developing this online community is not for the faint of heart. It takes a huge investment in time, a little know-how, and some trial and error to get it done right.  There are many social media networks, so figure out which networks are right for your business before jumping in head first.

Facebook ads. Its super-easy to set up paid ads on Facebook and the targeting is outstanding. You can focus on your key demographic, and narrow the demographic further by targeting keywords located in an individual’s profile. You set your budget, so it doesn’t matter if you want to spend $10/day or $100/day.  The campaign data available is  top-notch, so refining the ad campaign is pretty easy.

Pay for ads on targeted websites. Advertising on smaller sites is usually pretty affordable. This is a little tricky, but try to find a site that focuses on your target demographic and see what advertising opportunities exist. If you don’t have graphic design skills, or have a graphic designer on standby, don’t hesitate to contact a local one to make your display ad pop.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Kundenservice: Warum sich Unternehmen auf eine neue Diskurskultur mit der Facebook-Generation einstellen müssen

An einem offenen Umgang mit dem Kunden, auch und insbesondere in Problemsituationen, führt in der Social Media-Welt kein Weg vorbei, so das Plädoyer des After Sales-Spezialisten Peter Weilmuenster, Vorstandschef von Bitronic in Frankfurt am Main. „Die Gespräche des Marktes finden auch ohne Einwirkung der Unternehmen im Internet statt. Jeder muss sich diesem kritischen Diskurs stellen, ob er will oder nicht“, erklärt Weilmuenster.

Sehr viele Konsumenten würden sich vor einer Kaufentscheidung über Suchmaschinen informieren, wo sie vermehrt Gruppendiskussionen aus Foren und sozialen Netzwerken finden, so Björn Behrendt, Geschäftsführer von „Insofern rate ich Unternehmen sogar, Kundendialoge auf der eigenen Unternehmenswebsite stattfinden zu lassen, sich der Kritik zu stellen und die durch Nutzer generierten Inhalte für die Suchmaschinenoptimierung und für ein durch Offenheit und Ehrlichkeit gekennzeichnetes Firmenimage zu nutzen“, empfiehlt der Internetexperte, der am 6. Oktober beim Nürnberger Fachkongress Voice Days plus zum Thema „Service für die Facebook-Generation“ seine Positionen vertreten hat (Diskussionsrunde mit Andreas Rebetzky von Bizerba und Thomas Dehler von Value5. Moderation: Ranga Yogeshwar, Wissenschaftsjournalist). Die Audio-Aufzeichnung der Diskussionsrunde kann man hier abrufen.

Wie Unternehmen die Social Media-Kanäle einsetzen können, skizziert Blogger Klaus Eck: Den Kundenservice mit Get Satisfaction online verbessern.

Mein Resümee zu den diesjährigen Voice Days plus kann man sich hier anschauen.

Sneaker Ads You Can Spank It To

I’ve made it no secret that I’m not into Reeboks. If you ever see me wearing a pair it’s because they paid me multiple-thousands of dollars in some fashion. If you see me dating a girl with a nice butt, she won’t be wearing any of those corny new sneakers by ‘bok & others being marketed to women that have funky-shaped soles and promise to tone your thighs and butt as you walk in them:

If you have a nice butt it’s because of genetics (or a great plastic surgeon). If you have a fat butt it’s because you eat too much and don’t move around enough. However I totally believe, as long as the products are benign, that it is the consumer’s bad for falling for any gimmick such as this. Cheers for the seller, boos for the buyer. I guess if putting on a pair motivates you to get your ass to the gym, that’d be worth it, but any pair of normal running sneakers would do the trick. Do you know any women that wear these new butt & leg toner style sneaks? How do you like the ad?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Where to Find the Top Opportunities in Network Marketing

The top opportunities in online business are found only in companies with a strong marketing system developed through the years of seamless operation.  These marketing groups are usually the ones accredited with regulatory agencies like the Better Business Bureau and US Federal Trade Commission.  Essentially, their marketing system provides leveraged income which feeds on group dynamics.  This means that the leading producers in the system unselfishly share with members the techniques and strategies that propelled them to profitability. They have large affiliate networks that provide all the support and training necessary for successful Internet marketing.
CarbonCopyPro fits this description perfectly.  In terms of training, compensation package and products, CCPro dwarfs other communities in the home business industry.  Whereas other companies design their systems for instant profit, CCPro’s marketing system is designed for long-term profitability. So its training system aims to develop motivation, commitment and perseverance.  Training calls are conducted weekly on successful Internet marketing, communication skills, lead generation, mindset development, while a discussion board is available for members to ask questions, get pointers from other members, and receive support.
The compensation plan of CCPro is one of the most attractive in the business. The system also pays a monthly commission every time someone joins your team.  There are even compensation plans that reward a new car if recruits to a team reach a certain number of people.  The more people are successfully recruited into a team, the bigger and more expensive the rewards.
In terms of reputation, CCPro is among the most respected and admired companies because of its strong referral program and affiliate networks with hundreds of advertisers.  As for its products, CCPro provides study tools that help newbies overcome the learning curves usually faced by new entrepreneurs.  It has a tutorial product that instructs how to build a personalized and professional online marketing system and websites, a professional call center to help close sales, unlimited and toll-free email and live chat support, daily marketing and mindset training, access to the members’ forum, a monthly newsletter, and a one-year membership to a powerful product line for your system.   Another product that goes with the system is a profit system that provides outsourcing options, high-quality training support and brand-building abilities that lead to maximum profits.
The rich potentials of online business then are in the hands of CCPro which is focused on leadership, education and training.  Such a system will work for you because it steers you away from the painful trial-and-error experiences that the system’s leaders and mentors went through.  To access CCPro, read the testimonials page first.  If impressed, turn to the application page and apply. Once your application is approved, you’re in.  Some applications are rejected when the upright networks sense that the individual is not really serious about the undertaking.
You can also enter the bright new world of online marketing by being referred by an existing member.  Members are accepted on a strict application process and must come referred by an existing member.  With principal sponsorship, the door opens to an unlimited access to support systems and professional business coaches.
Please check out for more information.

"Magic Tricks Or LIFE Transformation!?"

A man I respect greatly shared some ideas about some stuff we chatted about a month or so ago… I am honored to call him friend and “Life Changing Master Of The Universe!”

HERE is part of the share… to read the entire thing, you want to go to “The Dean’s List, Your University of Success” and join in the conversation…

The shows are not about me anymore, nor are they about the mentalism — Mentalism is the tool by which I’ve been educating people about diabetes control, getting over their fears of insulin, etc. They honestly listen and learn much better with the entertainment than without it. And everyone has been asking me to come back. “Do you have a program about heart disease?” “Can you teach us how to motivate ourselves to exercise?” Etc.
I’m going to have to take a few weeks off (I don’t know when!) to prepare new shows along these new themes. Man oh man, I get to perform mentalism AND save lives! How cool is that?

Roooock Oooon Brother Man! You KNOW my passion is for just this perspective… THANK YOU for sharing!

No offence to those who don’t yet know the pleasure and passion for ‘doing your dream’ and “USING” entertainment to get there, as well as the RUSH that accompanies it, PLUS it is the most truly effective way to accomplish real success in the long haul are just plain missing-out of the immense joy of knowing we are really helping people in real, tangible ways!

YES, just good, old-fashioned ‘entertainment’ helps people in some way as well, but to be able to help facilitate real, lasting life transformation is something that will change the world for the better, even if it is one person at a time!

Funny thing is… most of the time, we never really ever know what true impact it has long-term other than when good ‘people let us in on the magic’ per!

I JUST got another one of those “letting me in on the magic” type notes from a relationship that I have not seen or heard from in over 25 YEARS!

He writes: (…on FaceBook none the less! – - Edited for brevity and privacy)

Hi Dean,
I remember you from about 1983 in San Jose. I went to an elementary school… Lone Hill. You used to perform your magic there. (Note: It was my “Character Education Educational Assembly & Fund Raising Family Show)

Anyway, It’s good to see you are still entertaining as you did then. You never know what kind of positive impact you have on others. I’m one of those school kids (now 38) that remembers your shows and help at that school. Thank you for being a blessing to me all of those years ago!

Brian Xxxxxxxxx

I was BLOWN-AWAY! Nearly three full decade later… and he remembers the impact and find me on Facebook to tell me! Sure, this kinda’ thing happens, but not every-day, and it still blows me away every time it happens!

Whoo Hoo, Holy Cramoly… gotta love it!

Yeah, it was a FUN and ENTERTAINING program, but the POINT was the message! At some point, many of us will figure out that magic, music, entertainment is just a tool (a amazingly powerful tool, but a tool non-the-less) to impact and change people’s lives and THEN ‘watch-out’, you will become unstoppable on so many levels!

The killer news is, this applies to just about every market, so there really are no limits to the value, impact and contribution you can have… now THAT’S a “legacy”!

This week alone, besides using my magic and music, we are using our Game Show (The WOW-We-Zowee Won Something FUN Show!) for weekend services in church to impact & transform peoples lives… forever and beyond! – Not bad for some silly game show eh’?

Thinking Of YOU and Your “BIG $uccess rEvolution”!

I am at your service and in HIS Service,
Deano (Helping YOU $ucceed!) in Reno

Monday, November 2, 2009

Why do your emails need to be friendly?

Most of the emails I get in my inbox are from businesses that I have shown an interest in trying to sell me something. The vast majority of these emails look professional, but in my opinion, this is not the way to win more sales. Read on!


In my opinion, an email that is going out to a previous customer, or a prospective, needs to be friendly. I think that you need to develop a relationship with them. This will obviously depend greatly on the industry you are working in, but 90% of the time it will work.


If a customer has a relationship with you, regardless of if it is an online one, they will be more likely to buy off of you than your competitors. The reason? Because they trust you more.


So, a few tips to make you email friendly;


  1. Your tone – Even in emails, you have a tone of voice that will portray as much in an email as it would in a phone call. Do you want a happy, easy-going tone, or do you want a boring, dull tone?
  2. Include some pictures – Some eye catching pictures, related to your content, will give the reader a break form all the text in your email
  3. Keep it short.
  4. Review everything – Before you send out your email, re-read it. Make sure your tone is right, and that if you were the reader you would think it is a friendly email.


I hope that you found this helpful. If you have any thoughts on this topic, please leave me a comment. See you next time!


762312     การจัดการการตลาดระหว่างประเทศ     International Marketing Management

การวิเคราะห์สภาพแวดล้อมการตลาดระหว่างประเทศ ลักษณะที่แตกต่างและแนวโน้มในตลาดต่างประเทศ กลยุทธ์ การวางแผนและการควบคุมทางการตลาดระหว่างประเทศ ผลกระทบที่เกิดจากความแตกต่างของสังคม วัฒนธรรม เศรษฐกิจและการเมือง ปัญหาและอุปสรรคในการตลาดระหว่างประเทศ

(Analysis of international marketing environments. Distinctive characteristics and trends of foreign markets. International marketing strategies, plan, and control as well as effects from different societies, cultures, economics, and politics. Problem and threat in foreign market.)

(762312 มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์)